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Q: Why does pulling the cord have this effect hot air balloon?
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What is the Parachute Vavle Cord in a hot air balloon?

It controls the parachute at the top of the balloon. By pulling down on the cord it opens the top, letting hot air out and controlling the decent

How does hot and cold air have an effect on an balloon?

If there is warm air in the balloon, cooler air makes the balloon rise and if there is cold air in the balloon warmer air makes the balloon fall.

How does the size of a balloon effect the mass it can weigh?

it's because of the ratio of the weight of the air in the balloon to the air outside the balloon

How do hot air balloons descend?

They have to let out the hot air a little at a time.

If you were to turn on the burner on in the hot air balloon what effect would it have on the air in the balloon?

When the burner on a hot air balloon is turned on the air inside the balloon is heated making it less dense. This will cause the balloon to be more buoyant and climb.

How does the temperature effect the balloon filled with air?

the temperature affects the balloon filled with air because if it is too cold it can freeze it, and cause the balloon to pop

When did the first hot air balloon get made?

its effect increases as balloon moves upward

Is a flat balloon lighter than a air balloon?

depends on mass and if you include the air. same mass and not including the air they both weigh the same, air just expands the balloon and lowers the effect of gravity.

How does the hot air balloon effect the world?

Kapua, are you asking this

Why are Hot air balloons are filled with air instead of helium?

They are not! The air inside them is trapped in the balloon and heated, expands, becomes less dense and rises therefore pulling the balloon up with it. If helium was used it would explode! :)

How sunlight effect color?

the color of a balloon is a dark color. but when you put it in the heat, the air in the balloon expands and the color of the balloon gets lighter and pops.

Does gravity affect a hot air balloon?

Yes. Without gravity, a hot air balloon would rise infinitely. You could never return to the ground. Balloons tend to hover more or less. The force of the air pushing up on the balloon and the force of gravity pulling down on the balloon are usually very close to one another. This keeps the balloon at a steady height, unless you heat the air in the balloon, or let it cool.