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Q: Why does recycled plastic smell like pepper?
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Does marijuana smell like pepper?

If it is an Indica strain it can have a peppery smell.

What product could be recycled?

plastic like water bottles.

Why does your jalapeno pepper smell like a bell pepper?

the jalapeno is just like a bell pepper but hotter.there all in the same family and category

What can be recycled and made into something else?

i don't really know but u know it can be recycled to many things like coins, plastic chairs and thing like that or something that is used into something unused like used paper into unused paper...

What are recycled objects?

- Like glass , plastic , paper , clothes , etc.

What Does Crack Smell Like?

sort of like burning plastic but a little diff you will have to smell it to know what im talking about but burning plastic is about what it smells like

What does mace smell like?

Mace is a spice that is the outer covering of the nutmeg. It will smell like nutmeg with a touch of pepper in the aroma.

What does silly smell like?

Like plastic somewhat.

What are two possible uses of recycled plastic bottles?

Most recycled plastic bottles are recycled into... plastic bottles, especially PET plastic, the one with the Number 1 in the triangle. Other kinds of plastic bottles can be again made into similar plastic bottles, or they can be "downcycled", that is, combined with other plastics to make things like garbage bins and garden furniture.

Why do africans smell like pepper?

becase of the food they eat I guess

Is plastic recycled in India?

In some parts of India where it is rich like Bangladesh

What does silly putty smell like?

Like plastic somewhat.