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Q: Why does roger throw the stones near the littleun instead of directly at him?
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Why does roger throw the stones near the littlun instead of directly at him?

Roger throws the stones near the littlun because he enjoys the power and control he has over the littlun's fear and vulnerability. By targeting the littlun without directly hitting him, Roger is able to intimidate and assert his dominance without causing serious harm. This behavior demonstrates Roger's cruel and sadistic nature as he takes pleasure in causing others to feel afraid.

22. After Maurice and Roger destroy the littluns sand castles Roger stalks the young boy named Henry. When he begins to throw stones why does he just throw them near him instead of directly at him?

Roger's hesitation to throw stones directly at Henry suggests that he still possesses some level of restraint or societal conditioning preventing him from causing direct harm. By throwing stones near Henry, he understands the power he wields without fully crossing the line to intentional violence. It foreshadows Roger's increasing cruelty and brutality as the story progresses.

Who does roger throw stones at but does not hit?

Roger throws stones at a littlun named Henry but deliberately misses him. This act shows the gradual decline of civility and empathy among the boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies."

Who almost hits Roger?

no one, roger wants to hit someone else, a little boy with stones, but then is stopped as he is reminded of the rules of the civilized world.

Why didn't roger hit Henry with stones?

Roger didn't hit Henry with stones because there were still societal norms and rules that he adhered to despite his cruel nature. Additionally, the presence of authority figures like Jack and Ralph may have deterred him from acting out further.

Why does roger throw stones at the kids but barely miss?

Roger throws stones at the kids as a way to assert his power and dominance. He purposely misses to instill fear and exert control over the other children without causing serious harm, showing his cruelty and manipulation.

Who decided to fight instead of being forced from his land?

Roger williams

After maurice and roger destrop the littleuns sand sadtles roger stalks the young boy named Henry when he begins to throw stones why does roger just throw near Henry instead of directly?

Roger like all boys had probably been told numerous times by adults not to do things. "Don't throw stones or you might hurt someone," would have been drummed into him to such an extent that even though there were no adults present to stop him or chastise him Roger subconciously obey their conventions and threw the stones wide. He probably wasn't even aware that he was doing it, he probably really wanted to hit Henry with the stones and hurt him but he simply couldn't do it, not at that point in the story. Later on, as his true personality blossomed and he could behave exactly how he felt thanks to the power of face paint to divorce a boy from his own actions, Roger was able to tumble a huge boulder at Piggy with no regards at all to conventions or the possible hurt he was likely to inflict. He could do it simply because he wanted to and there was no longer anyone or anything that could hold him in check and stop him.

What does rodger do that upsets the littluns?

Roger throws stones at the littluns, destroying their sand castles and causing them to feel intimidated and scared.

What does Mrs.Jones do and say instead to win Roger's trust?

When they reached home Mrs.Jones left the door opened and placed her purse in front to Roger.

Why should you fire at will?

I dont know what has will ever done to affend us lits fire at roger instead, and dont ask about roger hes.......................................evil

Who killed Roger Rabbit in the book?

In the book Who Framed Roger Rabbit, it is revealed that Roger Rabbit was killed by an irate genie. The genie would have killed Roger had he been summoned in sight of Roger, but instead fulfilled his two wishes.