

Why does salt cause an egg to float?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Floatation or boyancy is accomplished when a body displaces more mass than it possesses. Basically, if the water is more dense than the egg, the egg will float on the water kind of like oil on water. The salt dissolves in the water making it more dense until you reach the point where the water is more dense than the egg and then the egg floats.

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no, because the egg is heavy and not light witch is causing it not to float and it will be harder to float and if an egg is boil anything can cause an egg to float

Will a egg float in salt water?

Yes, and egg will float in salt water.

What effects does the amount of salt have on floatability of an egg?

The larger the salt concentration in the water, the more quickly the egg will achieve flotation. Adding salt to the water will cause the egg to float.

Does an egg float in water mixed with salt?

An egg does float in water that is mixed with salt, because salt provides more density in the water, and ,therefore, allows an egg to float.

Can a egg can or can't float in water?

an egg can float in salt water.

Will salt make an egg float?

yes, salt will make a egg float in water not on a table though

How egg float in salt water funfacts?

well an egg can float in salt water because of the mass and density of it makes it easier to float

How mush salt can float a egg?

salt in water makes water denser when dissolved, making egg float.

Why does an egg float on salt water only?

Because salt water is more dense than the egg therefore making the egg float

What is in the salt water why the egg float?

Salt water have a higher density.So it can produce enough upthrust to make the egg float.

How salty does the egg have to be for the egg to float?

The sea has to have at least 4 tablespoons of salt in order for an egg to float.

What does salt have that can make an egg float?

it has density when dissolved in water making an egg float.