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Q: Why does salt crystals grow when it cools?
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What are the steps to grow salt crystals and sugar crystals?

leave it to the pros

Why does igneous rock have bigger crystals and some have small crystals?

The reason why is because of where it comes from in a volcano and how fast it cools. If it cools slowly then it will have bigger crystals because the longer it has to cool the longer the crystals have to grow. So dose that answer your question

What is the data of grow salt crystals?

it my name

Can you grow salt crystals with vinegar?


Do salt or sugar crystals grow faster and why?

Salt crystals form faster because they clump together, and they are more cubic so they are easier to grow. Sugar crystals, on the other hand, have more density than salt crystals so they take longer to grow.

How does salt affect crystals?

I think it's because salt dissolves better in hot water than cold water, so as the solution cools the salt wants to come out of solution and crystallize. When you pour the solution over the sponge, this causes the liquid to evaporate. This further concentrates the salt so that it will crystallize. The salt crystals will start to form on undissolved salt or on the sponge. Once the crystals start forming, they grow fairly rapidly...

Why sugar crystals grow faster than salt crystals?

Salt is a more cubic element than sugar

Does crystals grow faster in salt water or fresh water?

In presence of salt the crystals grow faster because the solubility of salt decreases the solubility of any other compound in water.

Which crisyels grow faster salt crystals or suger crystals?

salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar

Do salt crystals grow faster than alum crystals?

No, the alum grows faster.