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salt water freezing temperature

When you place salt on the ice it starts to disolve making a saltwater solution .

Salt water has a lower freezing point than water; therefore, the ice melts until the temperature of the water reaches the freezing temperature of salt water at that particular concentration.

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Because salt is very absorbent, therefore, soaking up the ice water faster.

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Q: Why does salt melt ice the fastest?
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What makes ice melt fastest salt sugar pepper or sand?


What makes ice melt the fastest sugar salt pepper or sand?

SALT DOESNT MELT THE ICE IT JUST LOWERS THE FREEZING POINTWell Salt Does Make Ice Melt Faster :) I made the project and my result were correct SALT melts ice faster :)

How does salt makes ice melt fastest data chart?

Dissolves water

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or pepper?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

What is the hypothesis of this question what makes ice melt the fastest sand salt sugar or sugar?

You need to determine what you think will melt the fastest, and that will be your hypothesis. If you think that pepper will melt it faster, you would say "My hypothesis is that the pepper will melt ice faster than the other variables (sand, salt, and sugar)."

What makes ice melt fastest salt or plain water?

Salt. When salt is added to ice, it lowers the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt faster. This is because salt disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, making it easier for the molecules to break apart and melt.

Is salt the same as ice melt?

no, but ice melt is a salt

What do you think melts ice faster salt sugar pepper?

Salt melts ice faster than sugar or pepper. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, causing it to turn into liquid water at a lower temperature than normal. Pepper and sugar do not have the same effect on ice as salt does.

What melts ice the fastest sand mineral rock salt or cat litter?

Mineral salt lowers the freezing point of water, so it will melt.

What is the fastest way to melt ice with salt and use the least amount of salt at the same time?

The key to melting ice with salt is to ensure maximum contact between ice and salt. Using a salt powder would actually be the most effective way to do this.

Will popcorn salt melt ice?

Yes, the salt on popcorn is common table salt, which can be used to melt ice.

What melts ice the fastest sand catliter or salt?

Salt will melt it the fastest but too much salt can damage concrete and blacktop. Sand or cat litter work well to help with traction but have little effect on melting.