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what is not one of the things unusual about the radley house?

one her way home from school, what dose scout first in the live oak tree knothole?

wgat dose scout do with miss Maudie ar summer twilight?

what happen to jem's pants? he lose them at oh bot and them house.

which of the following in NOT one of things found in the kmothole of the live oak?

what unusual thing happen which causes school to be cancelled?

from what he tells scout, dose Atticus belive he will win the case he is trying? and why.

why according to miss Maudie, does atticus belive its a sin to kill a mockingbrid?

what does atticus do which shocks the kidsa?

what are mrs.duboses's fits?

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12y ago
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14y ago

they are very close together as friends. Miss Maudie is a baptist that's why she is very nice to Scout Miss Maudie just tells like it is and that'swhat Scout likes.

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14y ago

Scout learns many things including: * Its a sin to kill a mockingbird as all it does is sing and does not harm us in any way. * also she learns that Atticus does not show his accomplishments * she learns that her father is one of those people that do the "ugly" jobs but they do have to get done

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12y ago

beacuse she is very nice, repectful, and treats Scout like she would anyone else. she is also her role model cause she is a tomboy like her who stands up for what she believes in

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1mo ago

Scout admires Miss Maudie for her kindness, intelligence, and independence. She sees her as a positive role model and enjoys spending time with her.

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13y ago

because she is kind, honest, and loving. she also admires that she has Patience and understanding of scout, Jim, and dill.

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12y ago

You know, because they eat eachothers cakes and talk dirty and THEY ARE GIRLS AND LOVE EACHOTHER


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Q: How does Scout feel about miss Maudie?
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Why did scout grow closer to miss Atkinson?

Scout grew closer to Miss Maudie Atkinson because Miss Maudie treated her with respect and understanding, unlike other adults in the neighborhood. Miss Maudie also shared similar interests with Scout, such as a love for nature and a rebellious spirit. Additionally, Miss Maudie provided Scout with guidance and wisdom, which helped Scout navigate the challenges she faced.

Who shows scout kindness during Aunt Alexandra's tea?

Miss Maudie shows Scout kindness during Aunt Alexandra's tea by comforting her and offering her cake to help her feel better. Miss Maudie understands the difficulties Scout is facing and tries to make her feel more at ease in a stressful situation.

What had driven scout to spend so much time with miss Maudie?

Scout spends time with Miss Maudie because she finds her kind, understanding, and supportive. Miss Maudie serves as a friend and mentor to Scout, providing wisdom and guidance as she navigates growing up in Maycomb. Scout values Miss Maudie's positive influence and companionship.

How does the relationship between Miss Maudie and scout change in chapter 5?

In Chapter 5 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," the relationship between Miss Maudie and Scout deepens as Miss Maudie shows kindness and understanding towards Scout, treating her like an equal and comforting her when she feels left out. Miss Maudie's attitude towards Scout becomes warmer and more nurturing, providing a supportive presence in Scout's life. Their bond strengthens as Miss Maudie becomes a trusted friend and mentor to Scout.

What does scout mean when she says miss Maudie atkinson was a chameleon lady?

When Scout says Miss Maudie Atkinson was a chameleon lady, she means that Miss Maudie was adaptable and able to change or adjust to different situations or people. It suggests that Miss Maudie was flexible and able to blend in or empathize with those around her.

Why did miss Maudie place her hand on scout when miss Stephanie was teasing her in to kill a mocking bird?

Miss Maudie likely placed her hand on Scout as a gesture of comfort and reassurance, to show her support in the face of teasing from Miss Stephanie. This simple action conveyed Miss Maudie's empathy and understanding towards Scout's feelings.

Who does scout thinks has been leaving the treasure?

Miss Maudie

Why did the thought of Miss Maudie going to hell worry scout so much?

Because Scout thought she(Miss Maudie) was the best person she knew and that didn't give Scout much hope of going to heaven herself.

Why does scout start hanging out at miss Maudie's house more often in to kill a mockingbird?

Scout starts hanging out at Miss Maudie's house more often because she finds comfort and understanding there. Miss Maudie offers guidance and wisdom to Scout, serving as a positive influence in her life. Additionally, Miss Maudie's warm and welcoming nature creates a sense of security for Scout during a time of turmoil in Maycomb.

Why does miss Maudie say scout is being morbid?

Miss Maudie says Scout is being morbid after describing the Radleys because she believes Scout is excessively focusing on the negative aspects of their mysterious neighbors rather than showing empathy or understanding towards them. Miss Maudie encourages Scout to be more compassionate and less fixated on the gossip and rumors surrounding the Radleys.

Why does miss Maudie laugh when scout uses the word morphodite to describe the snowman?

Miss Maudie laughs because "morphodite" is a made-up word that combines "Morphodite" (a term for a hermaphrodite) with "dynamite." It shows Scout's innocent ignorance and humor in trying to sound grown-up. Miss Maudie finds Scout's creativity and innocence amusing.

Who read to Miss Maudie?

Scout read to Miss Maudie when she was too sick to read for herself.