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Q: Why does silk create static electricity?
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Does silk attract static electricity?


Is static electricity caused by friction?

It is! To create static electricity you need friction.

Would it be possible to create chidori with static electricity?

yes, if you had enough static electricity  

What is static electrisity?

If electric charges are at rest then it is called static electricity. If we rub a glass rod with silk then glass rod is found to have positive static charges. And silk acquires static negative charge.

How is a balloon related to electricity?

baloons create static and static can sshock someone just like electricity

What do you need to create static electricity?


Plastic combs in dry hair create static electricity. What kind of electricity is this?

This electricity is static electricity, as you asked. See the related question and the link below.

How do you create static electricity with wool and styrofoam?

You can make some static electricity by rubbing wool or styrofoam against your head

When did thales of milletus discover electricity?

Thales discovered static electricity by rubbing a peice of amber against a silk cloth.

Why is static electricity a problem when pumping gas?

Static electricity can create a very tiny spark that can burst the gas fume into flames.

What are the devices that are static electricity?

If you mean the name of the machine used to create static electricity - it's called a 'van de graaff' generator.

The kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Rubbing a balloon on your head can produce static electricity. This can also be accomplished by shuffling your feet across a carpet, when the humidity is very low. Another method that is used in science classes is the rubbing of a glass rod against a silk cloth. This allows the transfer of electrons to the rod. Another method is the use of a Van de Graaff generator, or a Whimshurst machine.