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Smallpox can go anywhere in your body. Which includes ears, tounge, toes, and eyes. Think about it. It starts to raise into a bump, then there is a bead that rises under neath to make it hard, then is bursts open, expelling blood and pus,then it scabs over. Think about that happenening to your eyes. Why wouldn't you go blind is the answer.

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Q: Why does smallpox cause blindness?
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Television does not cause blindness.

What does smallpox have to do with biology?

Biology is simpy the study of organisms (animals, plants, bacteria,viruses,funghi etc.) and by extension nature itself. Smallpox is a disease that affects only humans and is deadly, covering the victim in rashes and blisters that can cause blindness and limb deformities. And so by studying humans and the causes and effects of smallpox on them, one is studying biology.

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The cause of color blindness is X-linked factors.

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Yes it can cause permanent blindness and immflamation of the brain.

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Common diseases that cause blindness are onchocerciasis, syphilis, diabetes, glaucoma, trachoma. Many other less common diseases may cause blindness.

Does a lack of vitamin C cause night blindness?

No, a lack of vitamin C does not cause night blindness, but it can cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.

Is smallpox armed and dangerous?

smallpox is very dangerous and it also armed without any medical help this deadly virus can kill or even causes blindness but the power of science we already have a shot to provent it

Can pepper spray cause blindness?

Pepper spray can swell your eyelids shut and therefore cause temporary blindness.

If smallpox has been eliminated worldwide then why do they continue to cause 10's of millions of deaths?

Smallpox does not cause any deaths. Other preventable diseases cause deaths.

What causes blindness from eyes popping out?

ermmm... 'missing eyeballs' will be the cause of blindness

Why was the smallpox vaccine needed?

for you're safety of not getting smallpox.

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Blindness due to diving for fish. Blindness cause them not being able to hunt for food