

Why does soil not have cells?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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This is because soil is not a living thing. Being made of cells is one characteristic of a living thing.

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Q: Why does soil not have cells?
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Is soil composed of cells?

No, not soil itself, at least not living cells. However, if there is bacteria, fungus, tiny animals, or plants in the soil, then those things have cells. They are in the soil, but not a part of it.

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animals and their cells get their energy from the sun, not the soil and water.

Why isn't soil living?

Living things require cells, soil is made up of minerals and nutrients, not cells.

Can cells live without soil?

Yes cells can live without soil. They do need oxygen, nutrients and water to live though.

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The halophytes are able to tolerate salty soil because they can concentrate salt in their root cells and the high salt concentration keeps water from diffusing out of the cells into the surrounding salty soil.

Is soil biotic?

No, it's abiotic. Abiotic means non-living. It's non-living because it doesn't live. Plants are biotic, but not soil. Soil only has nutrients, not cells. Hahahahahaha. I'm jk I don't know if soil has cells or not whatever, but I'm 100% sure that soil is abiotic.

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How water gets in to a root hair cells from the soil?

By a tissue xylem

How can people keep soil alive?

the dead cells in the soil help the plants grow and plants give you oxygen which humans need

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Transpiration from the leaves is the major force driving the transfer of water into the cells of the root from the soil. The roots also use its high concentration of solutes to transfer water in by osmosis. If to much nutrients were added to the soil, that is increasing the solutes in the soil, the water would be transfered from the root cells to the soil. By this the roots may instead experience a water loss and the plant may die from dehydration.

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acquire minerals from the soil