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Q: Why does some sweat have metallic smell?
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Why do some people smell more when they sweat?

There are different reasons why some individuals smell more than others when they sweat, but diet (what they eat) has a lot to do with it.

What causes sweat to smell?

Bacteria that is feeding on the sweat.

Do girls arm pits smell bad?

Everyone's sweat glands are different. Some people may not cause an odor, while others will make people pass out. I don't stink much when I sweat. Lets be happy for that!

How can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

because your feet sweat and the sweat sits there and releases a gas to make the smell. Thank you for using

Do females like the smell of male sweat?

It depends on.. If the girl really like the boy she probably love everything about him, even the smell of sweat.. but usually the girls don't like the smell of sweat. So I recommend you to use deodorant..

What sweat gland produce stinky sweat?

Its not nescessarily a gland in particular, but the bacteria that love the sweat cause the sweat to smell.

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Does fools gold have a smell?

not much other than a slight metallic surfer smell

What is a metallic smell in the nose a symptom of?

Iron man

Why you smell metallic odor in breath?

metabolic disorder

Why do you smell when your done running?

When your running you start to produce sweat.sweat isn't the thing that makes you sweat it is the bacteria stuck to the sweat that makes you smell so the reason you smell when your done running is because of the bacteria on the sweat that your body produces. x hope this is helpfull x

Why does your car smell like sweat?

A car may smell like sweat due to gym clothes, or other workout clothes, being left in the car.