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The heat from the Hot Chocolate transfers to the spoon, so the spoon heats up.

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Q: Why does spoon get hot when it has been in a hot chocolate?
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Why doesn't a plastic spoon in hot chocolate hot?

plastic doesnt hold heat. unlike the spoon

Why doesn't a plasic spoon in hot chocolate feel hot?

because satans soul keeps it cold

Why does a spoon keep its shape in a cup of hot chocolate?

because it is stainless steel? idiot ?

Can you give me a recipe for a chocolate milkshake?

try this recipe1 table spoon of hot chocolate mix1/2 table spoon of chocolate syrupvanilla and chocolate ice cream (a few scoops)and add some milk and whip creamand that should be good

Why doesn't a plastic spoon in your hot chocolate feel hot to your hand?

Because plastic isn't as good a conductor of heat as metal.

What would you use to spoon out hot chocolate?

If you are taking it out of a large pot then I would suggest using a soup ladel.

How hot is hot chocolate?

That depends on how much it has been heated.

Why does the pitch of the sound increase when tapping a spoon in a cup of hot chocolate and then the sound drops in pitch after being stirred?

its vibration

Why doesn't a plastic spoon in hot chocolate feel hot?

because the heat

Why doesn't a plastic spoon in a hot chocolate feel hot?

Most plastics, particularly the type used to make plastic spoons, have a very low thermal conductivity (that is: heat doesn't travel through them very well). The temperature of one end can be raised without having much effect on the other end.Plastic is a poor conductor of heat. But even a metal spoon in Hot Chocolate is only noticeably hot in the section that is submerged in the hot chocolate. Spoons have a relatively flat shape (and are officially a form of flatware) which dissipates heat easily.

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When was the first hot chocolate?

The first chocolate drink is believed to have been created by the Mayans over 2,000 years ago. Hot chocolate was developed sometime in the 17th Century.