

Why does sweat foot smells bad?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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13y ago

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Lots of bacteria in shoes and socks that get between the toes and under the toe nails. The bacteria eat the sweat and make nasty smells.

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Q: Why does sweat foot smells bad?
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If you are talking about the nylon used in socks or sweat shirts, then the answer is yes AND no. Nylon absorbs sweat which is a good point, but when this synthetic cloth absorbs sweat, it begins to smell because of the urea and water present in sweat. It also smells because of excess sweat.

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Because you walk on your feet all day, and heat and sweat are released via the bottoms of your feet, making a bad smell when held inside a shoe.

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Why does sweat smell bad?

certain sweat may, yes, smell bad. sweat comes out of your pores, and is used to cool down your body when you are hot. yes sweat smells bad Seat has phenolic compounds which are odor active, however, bad smell is due to the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria grow by utilizing sweat based compounds, and water content of sweat Body temperature, 37 C, is also very conducive to the growth of microbes. In fact, after a good 30-40 minutes run if the runner wipes his/her body clean of sweat, then the body would not smell too bad. On the other hand, if one lets sweat evaporate over the time (say a couple of hours), he /she would smell very typical of what we associate with bad body odor. This, indirectly show contribution of external factors such as microbes in bad body odor.

Odor from my dogs smells real bad what can i do?

Give the dogs a good bathing. If the odor literally smells like dirty sweat socks and the dogs are scratching, it would indicate that they have the mange and need treatment as soon as possible or it will continue to spread.

If my hand smells like sweat after touching my girlfriend down there but above clothes Is that bad?

If you have is smelly after touching your girlfriend then amaybe you should tell her. You could also leave her.

Why do you sweat and it really smells?

Sweat is caused by the body wanting to cool down. (When liquid evaporates, it cools the surface it was just on by taking energy to transform to a watre vapor.) Sweat can trap bacteria, allowing it to grow. This can cause a bad smell as bacteria grows. Sweat can also keep in dirt to the body, making it smell, too.

What is it like on a plane?

it is userly very stuffy on aplane and smells of sweat