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It gets stronger by the longer you keep it in the more the water soaks in the flavor of the tea bag:)

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Q: Why does tea get stronger the longer you leave it?
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How do you make strong tea?

"leave the tea in the water longer" Not even. Leaving tea to steep longer usually makes it bitter. This USUALLY isn't true for herbal tea, but it's a rule of thumb anyways. "Steeping longer makes bitter tea." If you want stronger tea, use more tea/less liquids and steep for the SAME amount of time.

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How is a tea bag an example of permeability?

Only the water can enter into the bag and leave the bag, the tea leaves can not leave the bag.

How is a tea bag an example of selective permeability?

Only the water can enter into the bag and leave the bag, the tea leaves can not leave the bag.

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How long should black tea steep?

All teas are different, black teas are cut and processed differently from maker to maker, but the general rule of thumb is not to steep for longer than 2 or 3 minutes. Doing so may make the tea stronger but it will also release the tannins which make it bitter. If you want darker, stronger tea flavor then use more tea - or an additional bag - and keep the steeping time down to 2 - 3 minutes.

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What benefits does oolong tea have that black tea doesn't?

Black tea is usually stronger and is used more prominently in some areas. OOlong tea is a fragrant and fruity tea that has been called the 'weight loss tea' as it helps to up the metabolism and help burn fat.

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yes it does work.

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Yes Opana Er is stronger than percocet and it last's longer

Why did the colonist leave in silence after the Boston tea party?

They didn't leave in silence. A dock area is not a silent place and the men who threw the tea into the water were a rough bunch from the docks.