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Most microprocessors have a fixed number of registers. A register is an internal memory location that is optimized for very fast read and write access. Typically, a register can be explicitly called out as part of an instruction opcode. For example, an instruction might be "move the contents of the accumulator to the register called RegisterY".

Since the registers are implemented in the microprocessor's internal hardware, and because they can be used as part of some instructions, there must be a finite number of them. Otherwise, the microprocessor would need to have infinitely large amounts of hardware, and/or there would have to be an infinite number of instructions.

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Q: Why does the 8088 have a fixed number of registers?
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How many base registers are there in 8086?

There are four base registers in the 8086/8088; Code Segment (CS), Data Segment (DS), Stack Segment (SS), and Extra Segment (ES).

Why are programme counter and stack pointer register 16 bit registers?

The program counter (PC) and stack pointer (SP) registers are 16-bit registers in the 8085 and in the 8086/8088 because that is how Intel designed the processors.

What was the word length of Intel's 8088 microprocessor which powered the original IBM pc?

The Intel 8088 is generally considered to be a 16-bit processor (most registers were 16 bit registers), and therefore had a 16-bit word length, although its external data bus was only 8 bits wide.

How many bits in 8088?

The Intel 8088 microprocessor was a variant of the Intel 8086 and was introduced on July 1, 1979. It had an 8-bit external data bus instead of the 16-bit bus of the 8086. The 16-bit registers and the one megabyte address range were unchanged, however. The original IBM PC was based on the 8088.

What is an ax register?

It is one of 4 registers called general purpose registers Ax has a another name witch is (accumulator) it used in arithmetic and logic operation and store data from I/o port in microprocessors like 8086/8088

What is the example of segment register?

There are four segment registers on the 8086 and 8088. These are CS (code for code), DS (data segment), ES (extra data segment), and SS (stack segment).

What is the size of flag register?

All of the 8086/8088 registers, AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI, CS, DS, SS, ES, IP, and FLAGS, are 16 bit registers. The AX, BX, CX, and DX registers may also be viewed as 8 eight bit registers AH/AL, BH/BL, CH/CL, and DH/DL.

How do you program 8086?

There are many different instructions and registers in the 8086/8088. The question is too broad. Please ask a more specific question. Alternatively, you can consult a good book, such as "The 8086/8088 Primer", Second Edition, Stephan P. Morse, Hayden Book Company, or any of a wide variety of other books.

How much ram could the 8088-processor access?

8088 processor accessed 1MB

How many register are located in 8088microprocessor?

there are 14 registers in 8088 micro processor. All the 14 are 16 bit registers. They are4 segment registers viz - code segment register, stack segment register, data segment register, extra segment register.general registers are - accumulator register i.e. AX, base register i.e. BX, count register i.e. CX, data register i.e. DX and stack pointer (SP), base pointer (BP).index registers are - source index(SI), destination index(DI),and the other registers are instruction pointer and flags register.

How do you use 8 bit register as 16 bit register?

8 bit registers cannot be used as 16 bit registers. The reverse works, however, as the 16 bit general purpose registers of the 8086 and 8088 can be used as pairs of 8 bit registers. AX is divided into AH (high 8 bits) and AL (low 8 bits), and BX, CX, and DX are similarly divided.Operations on 16 bit and operations on 8 bit registers are similar. So you can do add ah, bl, just as you could do add ax, bx.

How does an 8088 microprocessor generate physical address?

8086 has memory divided into segments.Each segment has its particular register like ES, DS, SS, CD (extra segment, data segment, stack segment and code segment).These registers hold the base address BA.Now, there two base registers(BX and BP) and two index registers(SI and DI) in 8086. These registers hols the effective address EA.Now Physical address PA is sum of EA and BA.That is,PA = BA+EA