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The buddha doesn't say that everything is Dukkha, he just says that everyone experiences it.

Because pleasure is impermanent and when it ends you feel pain.

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Q: Why does the Buddha say everything is dukkha when people clearly experience pleasure?
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What is the heart of Buddha's teachings?

Everything that happens to us is the result of cause and effect; we create these conditions we now experience.

What 2 extremes did the buddha warn against?

Life of nothing but pleasure, and a life of painful self denial.

What did the Buddha say to the hot dog vendor?

'Make me One with everything.'

How is death Buddha?

This is a question based on false premises, much like, "Have you stopped beating your wife". First, we must clarify the the question by disambiguating the terms "Buddha" (uppercase B) and "buddha" (lowercase B). "Buddha" is a word used as a name for the historical teacher, Siddartha Gautama. The word, "buddha" refers to the essential spiritual nature common to all sentient beings. So, there is "Buddha", the person and "buddha", the essence. That common essence is pristine awareness, a characteristic of all minds. All of our experiences must occur within our mind, i.e. awareness. I am not asserting here that all experiences are only mind, but only that everything an individual senses and thinks is experienced within their mind. Now, to the original question; to properly assert that buddha (not Buddha) is death on the basis of mental experience, one could argue that the awareness of bodily death is experienced by your essential awareness. However, that still does not quite close the gap between experience and mind. In Buddhism, that gap is closed because that experience is not held to be separate from you mind, but of the mind itself. The mind is the experience, if you will. That puts the experience of death alongside every other experience of your senses and thoughts, e.g. the sensation of color, the sensation of desire, or thoughts from simple to complex. So, there is nothing exceptional or dramatic about death from the point of view of your essential awareness, i.e. your buddha-nature. One might say that death is buddha within this rationale, but to understand the meaning takes either a good grasp of the logic of Buddhism or a deep insight into the nature of our experience. So, absent proper understanding or insight, but instead speaking in conventional non-Buddhist terms, to assert that Buddha is death is misleading and nonsensical.

What did the Buddha say caused human suffering?

The texts tell us that the Buddha discovered that our own; thoughts words and deeds are the primary cause of our own suffering. Suffering generally is the result of 'ignorance' of the laws of cause and effect. Suffering is the result of our attachment and aversion to composite phenomena, things that do not last.

What will happen if you give your used laughing Buddha?

Some one else will have your used laughing buddha. Statues are not magical. The MAJJHIMA SUTTA, for instance, clearly discounts reliance on talismans or rituals as erroneous.

Does Buddha condemn attachments?

In some respects I don't think Buddha condemns anything, he clearly teaches that attatchment will lead to suffering, and that this is inevitable. He also teaches that attachment isn't inevitable, it is a choice.

Who invented the Yahoo?

google no, it was hitler. no it was jesus jesus was too busy in the brothel, it was obviously buddha. clearly it was haras

What was Buddha's experience?

When Prince Gautam became Buddha through meditation,his first experience was salvation of soul through service of mankind and thereby attaining God. This ideology formed the basis of Buddhism ,which has been continuing for thousands of years.

What is a sentences using the word enlightenment?

when somone fails to communicate or have pleasure with God

What is the goal buddhism?

To attain nirvana through the middle path (the eightfold path or the threefold training, shown clearly by the buddha)

Are temples built in honor of the buddha?

Essentially everything in Buddhism is a path towards Buddhist attaining realisation, so although Buddhists give praise to the Buddha, this is a means to an ends.