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the belts result from charged particles interacting with the magnetic field of the earth and incurring an inward force pulling it into a tighter and tighter spiral as it penetrates deeper into the earth's atmosphere.finally its forward motion is reversed and the particle spirals along the magnetic force line to the other end where a similar reflection occurs.

the magnetic field axis is rotated eastward from the geographical axis which provides an unsymetrical magnetic particle distribution in the earth coordinate. solar flares cause large asymmeries in the particle distribution and potentially harmful damage to exposed skin,electronics and particle detectors.

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Q: Why does the Earth have radiation belts?
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What is the name of the radiation belts surrounding the earth that were discovered in 1958?

The Van Allen Belts are the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. They were discovered in 1958 by NASA's astronomers and scientists.

What is donut shaped radiation belts?

The donut shaped radiation belts around the Earth are called the Van Allen Belts. There are similar belts around every planet with a magnetic field.

What do the van Allen belts do?

solar radiation. as the solar wind hits the earth's magnetic fields, it is mostly diverted away from the earth. but some radiation gets caught in the field, and those are the van Allen radiation belts. Aurora borealis

What are the magnetic radiation belts around the earth?

The inner or, outter van Allen belt.

Explorer 1 discovered what radiation belts around the planet earth?

Van Allen

What are the Van Allen belts?

The Van Allen radiation belts are layers of plasma particles that are around the earth in the magnetosphere. These radiation belts were confirmed to exist in 1958 by James Van Allen. There is an outer and inner belt. The belts can cause problems for both satellites and any rockets or other vehicles that travel through the belts.

Cosmic rays trapped in the earth's magnetic field make up?

The Van Allen radiation belts

What is a band of high radiation around the earth that captures particles given off by the sun?

The Van Allen belts.

What is a term for earths radiation belts?

The Van Allen belts

Do astronauts go through deadly and perilous radiation belts going to the moon?

No, there are no "Radiation belts between the Earth and Moon. However. they do travel through the "Van Allen Belt". this is a "Belt" created by the earth's magnetic field that shields the earth from the some of the ratiation of the Sun and outerspace. Once an astronaut is outside of this "Belt" they are exposed to a higher level of radiation. The Van Allen Belt is highest at the earth's equator and lowest at the earths poles.

Why do charged particles from the sun (the solar wind) get trapped in the van Allen radiation belts?

The Van Allen belts are caused by Earth's magnetic field. Charged particles are deflected in the presence of a magnetic field.

Where are pressure belts located on earth?

Locate the pressure belts on earth