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Q: Why does the NIV translation not translate pneuma as soul in so many passages?
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How can one translate a whole webpage?

There are many translation websites that can translate entire web pages. Some of these include Google Translate, Babelfish, or other similar translation services, all of which can be found online.

What is the translation of the word ciencia?

The translation of the Spanish word 'ciencia" to English ruffly translates to the word 'social science'. There are many online website that translate words. Such as Google translate.

What internet companies allow one to translate Latin to English?

There are many online translation services available including BabelFish, Bing Translator and Google translate. Of these three services BabelFish and Google Translate both offer translation to and from Latin

What websites offer Cantonese translation?

There are many websites that offer Cantonese translation. Examples of websites that offer Cantonese translation includes Translate Media and Trans Perfect.

Where can you translate English writing into Hebrew?

There are many online choices for translation. I think Google Translate is probably the easiest. Just go to type the word "translate" into the search box.

Where can one translate from English to French?

You can translate from English to French using online translation tools such as Google Translate, DeepL, or Microsoft Translator. You can also use mobile apps like the Google Translate app for on-the-go translations. Additionally, some websites offer professional translation services for accurate and high-quality translations.

What is the translation of cirugia plastica senos in English?

In English, cirugia plastica senos translates to 'plastic breast surgery'. There are many websites that will translate this phrase for free. Free Translation will translate any word from any language for free on their website.

Where might one go to translate English to Latin?

You can use online tools such as Google Translate or specialized Latin translation websites like Latinitium or Latin-English dictionaries for accurate translations from English to Latin. Additionally, academic institutions or Latin scholars can provide assistance with translations.

Where can one find a translation for 'tradutor' online?

There are many online options to translate entire web pages, also know as a page translator. Babelfish is a well known and respected translation service that is available for free online. Google Translate also offers this service.

Is it correct to translate names from one language to another?

It is correct to translate names from one language to another, if the translation exists. Many names in one language do not have a translation in another language. In that case, you would simply say the name in the original language.

Where can one find a translation program to translate English into Italian?

You can use various online translation platforms such as Google Translate or Deepl to translate English into Italian. Additionally, there are translation apps like Microsoft Translator or iTranslate that can provide accurate translations on-the-go. It's important to note that while these tools can be helpful for basic translations, they may not always capture the nuances of the language accurately.

How can one translate English to Portuguese online?

There are many ways one can translate English to Portuguese online. One can translate English to Portuguese online by using popular on the web sources such as Free Translation or Bing Translator.