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Q: Why does the Nile flood Egypt?
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What countries do the nile flood?

egypt... where else would it flood:)

What rivers flood in Egypt?

river Nile

What sustained Egypt for so long?

The annual Nile flood.

When did the river nile flood?

the Nile river flooded during harvest season in ancient Egypt.

What lands beside Egypt does the nile flood?

Every time the Nile floods, it provides many natural gifts. The Nile is a long rive that floods not only Egypt, but Ethiopia and Sudan.

Where are the fertile lands in ancient Egypt?

The fertile parts of Egypt (present and past) are all along the Nile River.

What time of year did the Nile flood in ancient Egypt?

Early-Late Spring.

Why was nubia's land far less fertile then the land of Egypt?

Because the Nile River did not flood in Nubia as much as it did in Egypt

Where was most of Egypt's fertile land?

Egypt's futile land was along the banks of the river Nile, where the yearly flood waters deposited sediment which fertilised the ground

In Ancient Egypt the Nile River flood each year in June. How did the annual flooding of the Nile affect the Ancient Egyptians?

The flood waters left slit on the farmland, which provided nutrients for the soil

Are there any deltas flood plains or alluvial fans at the Nile River?

Yes, the Nile delta in northern Egypt forms all three.

How was farming possible in Egypt?

Farming was only possible in Egypt in the flood plains of the Nile river. Every year the Nile floods, carrying nutrient-rich silt over the flood plains and fertilizing the fields on both sides of the river. Water flowing through the Nile is fresh and was used for irrigation on the fields. Away from the water of the Nile River, Egypt has a desert climate and farming is either subsistence or impossible.