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The electoral college system for electing the President is part of the US Constitution and so is quite difficult to change. Without any changes there is considerable leeway on how states choose their electors. Furthermore, it is not at all obvious that the system should be abolished. There are many objections to a direct election . No one has come up with an attractive alternative.

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We still use the Electoral College today because there is still support for electing the president by a national popular vote, eliminating the process of assigning electors among the state by rules that violate the principle of one person, one vote.

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Q: Why does the United States still use the Electoral College System?
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Constitution that explains the electoral college.?

Article II of the United States Constitution describes the U.S. electoral vote system that is used to select the President of the United States.

What is the point of electoral college?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.

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Single Member District Plurality or SMDP. Same as the United States (electoral college)=manufactured majority

What is electoral college in a sentence?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States.

What did the electoral college do?

The electoral college elects the president of the united states. Each state has electoral votes according to their population.

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The electoral college does not vote on policies. The electoral college performs only one function. It elects the president of the United States.

Who electoral college takes power from who?

The electoral college system in the United States takes power away from the popular vote and gives it to the states. It was designed to balance the interests of smaller states against larger states and ensure that the president is elected by a diverse range of states. This means that a candidate can win the popular vote but still lose the election if they do not secure enough electoral votes.

When did citizens use the electoral college?

The U.S. Electoral College system is a system of indirect election. In accordance with Article II of the United States Constitution, electoral votes determine the President and Vice President of the United States. The electors are elected by direct popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors from each of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia then cast their electoral votes to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.

What is an Indirect electoral college?

The U.S. Electoral College system is a system of indirect election. In accordance with Article II of the United States Constitution, electoral votes determine the President and Vice President of the United States. The electors are elected directly by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors from each of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia then cast their electoral votes to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.

Was the Electoral College direct or inderect?

The U.S. Electoral College system is a system of indirect election. In accordance with Article II of the United States Constitution, electoral votes determine the President and Vice President of the United States. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors from each of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia then cast their electoral votes to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.

What document established the electoral college?

The United States Constitution

What president is elected through the electoral?

Electoral votes in the U.S. Electoral College determine the President of the United States.