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Q: Why does the angelfish eat her eggs?
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Do angelfish eat there babies after they hatch?

Some angelfish do eat their own babies. Many do care and parent their young. The ones that eat them usually do it because of not knowing how to parent or getting bored with the babies. Many angelfish also eat the eggs that were not fertilized.

Do you need to put your angelfish eggs in Another tank?

yes otherwise they will eat eachother

Do angelfish protect their young a lot or a little?

They protect them while they are eggs but may eat them once they hatch

Does angelfish lay eggs?

yes..sometimes about 400 of them at the same time

Do angelfish eat there eggs?

Angelfish normally look after their eggs and youngsters but it is common for them to eat their eggs too. Many times two females will spawn together and then eat the unfertilised ova. At other times a true M/F pair will decide to eat their eggs. I believe they usually know what they are doing and are either having a practice run or they are only destroying a bad spawning. In my experience they usually get it right and produce young eventually.

What do angelfish in the ocean eat?

Angelfish eat other fish.

What do Arabian angelfish eat?

Arabian Angelfish eat mostly meat.

What fish eat angelfish?

Bigger fish eat angelfish such as catfish.

Does angelfish eat guppy?

all larger angelfish eat guppys

How do you breed angelfish eggs?

you don't breed eggs! You hatchem!!

How many eggs can angelfish have?


What do WILD angelfish eat?

Angelfish eat algae, some coral, smaller fish, brine shrimp. Angelfish are omnivores.