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Muscle fibres do not divide very often. So there are less chances of making mistakes in the chromosomes and formation of cancer cells. So you rarely get cancer of the muscles.

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Q: Why does the cancer rarely occur in muscle fiber?
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What time can you have cancer?

Cancer can occur at almost any age.

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Does dietary fiber reduce the risk of cancer?

I know that I ate a very high fibre diet most of my life but was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, so I would say no to your question. Other factors could contribute to getting ovarian cancer, such as the other foods eaten and the environment. There are scientists who say that fibre can decrease the chance of cancer, so I guess that Fibre can help, but there is currently no definite answer. Hope this helps!

In what age do people have cancer?

Cancer can occur in the human body at any age.

How does metastasis occur?

Metastasis can occur during any type of cancer. It can happen early on or not at all. It is the spread of cancer through different organs.