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Q: Why does the candle burn for a long time in oxygen?
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Why do you think that candle with plant would burn for a longer time?

Candle burns oxygen. Plant produces oxygen from Carbon Dioxide. plant produces oxygen, which is burned by candle. Candle lasts longer because more oxygen is present

How does the size of the jar affect the burning time of a candle?

The Smaller the jar the less oxygen, the bigger the jar the more oxygen, and since the candle lives of oxygen the biggest jar with the candle in it will take the longest to burn.

Why does a candle burn for a long time in a jar with no lid on?

the candle uses up the oxygen and in doing so creates carbon dioxide. Eventually there will be more carbon dioxide than oxygen and it will snuff out the flame

Does air effects length of time for a candle to burn? need more air,as the candle will burn for longer in a bigger volume of air because the air contains oxygen which is needed for combustion

Does a soy candle burn as long as a beeswax candle?

Beeswax is known to be a long burning wax. Even so, it burns the same amount of time as a candle made from soy. The length of time a candle burns depends upon how tight the wax was wrapped during production. The tighter the wrap, the longer the burn.

Why did the candle stop burning after some time?

You do not give us the conditions when the candle stops burning, but a guess would be that the candle is in a closed container. When the candle has used up the oxygen inside the closed container, it can no longer burn, and goes out.

What are time candles?

A time candle is a candle that burns at rate that when it burns past a certain mark the people that are using it know how long it takes for the candle to reach that mark. So a twenty second time candle will only burn for twenty seconds. Hunch1000

Does the thickness of a candle affect the burn time of a candle?

Yes, thicker candles have more wax to burn and therefor take longer to burn out.

How long do candles burn?

It depends on the size of the candle, its capacity, and the materials it is made of. Every candle will burn for a different amount of time. It will also be affected by the conditions surrounding it (temp., wind, climate, humidity, etc)

Which is to burn longer a tallow candle or a wax candle?

If you freeze the candle, before using it, it will burn for a longer period of time. ANSWER Beeswax burns very quickly.

How can show that air support burning?

If you put an enclosed container over a candle, after a few minutes or seconds, the flame will go out. This is because when the candle burns, it releases carbon. The air around the candle contains oxygen. The carbon and oxygen combine forming carbon dioxide. When there is no more oxygen to combine with, the flame goes out.

How long does it take for a red colored candle to burn out?

The colour has nothing to do with the length of time the candle burns for. It all depends on the chemical make-up of the wax and the wick. Some wicks are classed as slow burn. These have been inpregnated with paraffin wax as well.