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The dark lines in a cardiac muscle when observed under a microscope are the intercarlated discs which are cell junctions ( desmosomes) these enables proper ion export ( mainly calcium ions )across a cardiac muscle and help it to contract as a syncitium.

By - faireena singh( mbbs first year cmc)

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Q: Why does the cardiac muscle have dark lines between the cells?
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What does it mean if a muscle is striated?

Striated muscle includes cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Skeletal muscle is between bones and is voluntarily controlled. Examples of skeletal muscle are the sternoclydomastoid, biceps, obicularis oris, rectus femoris, etc.

How do skeletal and cardiac muscles differ?

cardiac is uni/binucleate, has intercalated discs, and is has branching fibers, skeletal is multinucleate and is long and cylindrically shaped.Skeletal muscle is found in the arms and legs and also other parts of your body. For skeletal muscle to contract it needs to be independly stimulated by a nerve ending. Cardiac muscle is a involantry muscle within the heart which automaticly contracts because of its self- excitable cells. It is a muscle which does NOT produce lactic acide ( normally) and it does not need a nerve to stimulate it to contract

What are 3 muscles in the body?

Cardiac, smooth and skeletal.

Why does the heart has different types of tissues?

The heart does consist or atria, ventricles, etc. but these are the gross, anatomical divisions of the heart. In asking about the kinds of tissues contained in the heart, we have to think of the cells found there. The heart obviously contains cardiac muscle, it is practically the only site where it is found, except for the transitions between the heart and the large vessels arising from it. Cardiac muscle consist of the typical cardiac muscle cells, which are di-nucleated, branched cells which connect to each other at intercalated disks, making the heart muscle a functional syncitium. In addition, the heart contains modified cardiac muscle cells called Purkinje cells. These cells transmit electrical impulses to the ventricles, to stimulate them to contract. The heart also contains connective tissue, serving various purposes, such as binding groups of cardiac muscle cells into fascicles, etc.

What shape is the cardiac muscle?

thick and thin bands (lines) of filaments.

What are the three jobs that muscle cell have in the body?

Cardiac Muscle Cells which cause the heart to Beat, Skeletal Muscle Cell forms tissues that help move bones, Smooth Muscle Cells forms organs that help move food in the digestive system, It also lines blood vessels and the airways of the lungs

What is the cardiac muscle?

thick and thin bands (lines) of filaments.

What muscles are straighted?

There are three types of muscle tissue: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. Smooth muscle lines the walls of hollow organs and are involuntary. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton and its main function is voluntary movement. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue is striated, smooth is not.

Is a tissue in a group of similar cells that perform a specialized activity?

Yes. For example cardiac tissue contracts rhythmically, epithelium lines surfaces, skeletal muscle contracts ect.

What are three muscles in the human body?

Three types of muscle body, origin and insertion.

The main organs of the muscular system?

The major organs of the Muscular System are the muscles. The 3 types of muscles are the smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.

Different kind of muscles?

Cardiac, skeletal, smooth Cardiac-heart muscle, helps it pump Skeletal-helps you move along with bones Smooth- lines digestive system, blood vessels, involentary processes