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to digest waist of course

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Q: Why does the chemical digestion of proteins start in the stomach?
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Related questions

Where does the protein digestion start?

the digestion of proteins begin in the stomach.

Why is the pH of stomach acid low?

Low pH is needed to start the denaturation and digestion of proteins, which occurs in the stomach.

Most of the chemical digestion occurring in the?

most chemical digestion occur starting from duoduenum, small intestine. starch start from saliva in mouth, protein in stomach.

Where is the start of chemical digestion?

the start of chemical digestion is the mouth and ends in the small intestine. This is true and the saliva has the power of the chemical digestion

When does chemical digestion take place?

Starts in the mouth when you start chewing food and mixes with saliva. Also in stomach by gastric acids.

What does chemical digestion in the stomach require?

The process of chemical digestion starts is your mouth! When you start chewing, your saliva helps break down the food as it goes down the esophagus.

Why must chemical digestion must start before chemical digestion?

Mechanical digestion must come first because it helps break down food

Is protein digestion completed in the stomach?

It starts in your mouth then moves down in your stomach work is done in your stomach it moves to your intestine and is completed in your intestine

Does saliva move food into the stomach?

Saliva is used to start the digestion process.

What are the small intestines in the digestive system?

The small intestine plays a role in digestion of carbs and fats, but the primary role of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients broken down by digestion. These include, the absorption of: Proteins (amino acids), Carbohydrates (monosaccharides), Fats (lipids), Vitamins and Minerals.

Digestion does not begain until food enters the stomach?

That would be incorrect. Digestion begins in the mouth, when the saliva starts to break up carbohydrates and the teeth start grinding up the food. However, protein digestion does begin in the stomach.

Where does it start to chemically digest?

Chemical digestion begins in the mouth with the saliva.