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Q: Why does the church only recognize seven Catholic sacraments?
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Does the Roman Catholic Church recognize the Russian Orthodox Church?

The Catholic Church believes that the Russian Orthodox Church is a legitimate Church because it has seven valid sacraments. However, the Catholic Church believes that the Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.

What are the Eastern Catholic Sacraments?

.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church has the same seven sacraments the world over.

How many religions have the seven sacraments?

Most Christian religions recognize sacraments but not all recognize the same sacraments. The only Christian faiths that recognize sacraments are the following: The Roman Catholic Church, The Orthodox Christians, the Anglican Church including the Episcopal Church, all branches of Lutheranism, all branches of the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian and Reform Churches, the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ. The Baptist Churches including both the American & Southern Baptist churches do not recognize or celebrate the sacraments. The Mormons and all the Pentecostal and fundamentalist churches, like the Assembly of God also do not recognize any sacraments.

Do the Catholic sacraments take their original rite from Judiasm?

The Catholic Church takes its origin from Judaism and many, if not all, of the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church have roots in Judaic practices and Scripture.

Why is it appropriate that a Catholic marriage takes place in a Church?

Marriage is one of the seven sacraments in the Church, and as such, must legally take place in a Church.

Were there more than 200 sacraments in the Catholic church in earlier times?

Roman Catholic AnswerCertainly not, there have been seven sacraments from the very beginning, This is something that we have received from God and thus are incapable of changing.

How many sacraments did the pope allow to teach?

In the Catholic Church there are seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders and the Anointing of the sick.

How the church is a sacrament?

The church isn't a sacrament. The Catholic Church HAS seven sacraments, not all of them are received. The sacraments are baptism, reconciliation, first communion, confirmation, hold orders, marriage, and anointing of the sick.

How many sacraments did the Medieval Catholic Church have?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church has had seven sacraments since Our Blessed Lord established the Church at Pentecost, no more, no less. This is not something that the Church can change. So, of course, in medieval times, they had exactly the same as they did at the beginning, and as they do now - Seven: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.

Is getting married in a Catholic Church without Communion still a sacrament?

yes it is because you are in gods presenceRoman Catholic AnswerYes, Marriage is one of the seven sacraments of the Church, all by itself.

What are Holy Orders in the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church?

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which a man is ordained as a deacon, priest, or bishop by the laying on of hands and prayer. This sacrament conveys a special grace and power to serve the Church and administer the other sacraments. It is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.

Can a confirmed Episcopalian convert to the Catholic Church without having to be confirmed again?

Yes. While the catholic church recognizes the Baptism as valid it does not recognize the Confirmation as valid, since it requires administration by a priest having received the valid sacrament of holy orders. While the Catholic Church and Episcopal Church are close in tradition and both have seven sacraments, only Baptism is considered as valid.