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Q: Why does the cock make the sound of kakle dudle doo early in the morning when sun rises?
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What is the desert climate in the morning?

The hot desert is quite cool and comfortable in the early morning hours but as the sun rises higher it gets very hot quite quickly.

What is the definition for early morning?

early morning means the time when the sun rises and the very first ray of it comes on the earth. early morning means the time when the nature says to wake up.early morning is the natural wake up call for every living being. it is that time when you get an opportunity to talk to God and thank HIM for another beautiful day.

What is waning crecsent?

A waning crescent moon is the phase of the moon that occurs immediately before a new moon, it is best viewed in the early morning before the sun rises.

Where does the sun rise in the morning everyday?

It rises in the East.

When the sun rises in the morning what direction will a shadow point?

When the sun rises in the morning, shadows will point towards the west. This is because the sun rises in the east and casts shadows in the opposite direction.

What direction does the sun rise each morning?

Each morning, the sun always rises in the east.

Why does the dew disappear after sun rises?

Dew appears on grass in the early morning hours. It goes away after the sun is up because the heat of the sun causes the water to evaporate.

On earth the sun appears to rise when?

It rises in the east in the morning.

What rises in the morning and waves all day?

a flag??

What is the daybreak sometimes called?

Daybreak is sometimes called dawn or sunrise. It refers to the time in the early morning when the sun rises and the sky starts to get lighter.

What will be a perfect introduction for writing a paragraph on Early Rising?

Early RisingEarly rising is the habit of getting up from bed in the morning. It is a very good habit. It has many benefits. One who rises early in the morning can take some physical exercises and walk in the morning. He can enjoy morning air which is full of oxygen. He can start his daily work earlier and earn more money. There is an English proverb, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". Nature looks very beautiful in the morning. Flowers bloom and birds sing then. Only morning when one can enjoy the real beauty of nature. I get up early in the morning enjoy the real beauty of nature. I get up early in the morning. At first, I take my prayer. Then I take some physical exercises. After completing it, I go to my reading room for studying. The benefits of early rising are great. So, everybody should make habit of rising early.writer's nameMd.Humaya Kabir RakibBangladesh University,DhakaBangladesh

Is it a rising sun or a setting sun?

in the morning it rises and in the night it sets.