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They don't want the community to experience the Stirrings because that would lead to feelings, and Sameness kinda prevents that.

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1mo ago

The community in "The Giver" does not want its members to experience Stirrings because they are seen as emotions that could lead to individuality and disruptions in the controlled society. Stirrings are considered a threat to the stability of the community, as they can lead to unpredictable behavior and challenge the uniformity that the society values.

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Q: Why does the community does not want its members to experience Stirrings in the giver?
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Why would the community elders not want the citizens to have stirrings the giver?

The community elders in "The Giver" may not want citizens to have stirrings because it could lead to the experience of strong emotions and desires, which could disrupt the stable and controlled society they have created. The elders believe that removing stirrings helps maintain order and conformity within the community by controlling individual desires.

What is the treatment for Stirrings in the book the giver?

The Treatment for the Stirrings are pills.

In the giver what is the society's rule about stirrings?

Once people in The Giver start stirrings, they must immediately report it. They also have to take pills to prevent and stop the stirrings.

What is the treatment for the stirrings in the book the giver?

The Treatment for the Stirrings are pills.

Explain the societys rule about stirrings the giver?

Once people in The Giver start stirrings, they must immediately report it. They also have to take pills to prevent and stop the stirrings.

From the book the giver What are stirrings and how are they treated?

In "The Giver," stirrings are described as the onset of sexual feelings or desires experienced by adolescents in the community. They are viewed as a sign of emotional confusion and are treated with medication to suppress these natural emotions, as part of the society's goal to eliminate pain and discomfort.

What Are societies rules about Stirrings in The Giver?

it's puberty

How long did each member of the community have to take pills for the stirrings The Giver?

Once citizens start taking the pills they must take them the rest of their lives.

How long did each member of the community have to take the pills for the stirrings. The giver?

Once citizens start taking the pills they must take them the rest of their lives.

How long did each member have of the community have to take the pills for the stirrings in The Giver?

Once citizens start taking the pills they must take them the rest of their lives.

What is the stirring from The Giver?

Jonas wanting to bathe fiona.

What happened as the result of Jonas having his first stirrings in the giver?

As a result of Jonas experiencing his first stirrings in "The Giver," he was given pills to suppress his feelings by the community's authorities. This was because stirrings were seen as inappropriate in the highly regulated society of the story. This event marked an important turning point for Jonas and raised questions about the nature of emotions and individuality in his world.