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Q: Why does the desert horned viper live in the desert?
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Is a desert horned viper a mammal?

No - it is a reptile !

Where do horned viper lives?

in the Sahara desert

What is a horned viper called?

That is the name with minor regional variations-Sahara horned, desert-horned, etc.

Does the desert viper live in the Mojave Desert?

The desert horned viper, Cerastes cerastes, is a venomous snake from the deserts of northern Africa and not found in the Mojave Desert. However, rattlesnakes are also vipers and a number of species of rattlesnake live in the Mojave, includingCrotalus cerastes, the sidewinder.

Anything about the desert horned viper?

it kills by biting into its prey and then swallowing it

How has the desert horned viper adapted to the desert?

Horned viper snakes are carnivores and their diets consist mainly of lizards, rodents, and birds. The jerboa is a type of rodent that this snakes preys on. Horned viper snakes are venomous and inhabit desert regions of North Africa.

Where does a horned viper's habitat?

sahara deser

Does a desert horned lizard live in the Atacama Desert?

No, desert horned lizards live in the deserts of the Southwest United States, not in the Atacama desert.

What is the scientific name of gaboon viper?

The scientific name of the Gaboon viper is Bitis gabonica. It is a venomous snake found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa.

Are vipers endangered?

is the desert horned viper endangered

What do viper snakes eat?

Horned viper snakes are carnivores and their diets consist mainly of lizards, rodents, and birds. The jerboa is a type of rodent that this snakes preys on. Horned viper snakes are venomous and inhabit desert regions of North Africa.

What reptile start with the letter D?

Diamondback rattlesnake, dinosaur, desert horned viper and desert tortoise are reptiles. They begin with the letter d.