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The earth can not orbit it's self. Orbit means one body going around another.

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Q: Why does the earth appear to change shape as it orbits the earth?
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Why does the moon appear to change shape as it orbits the earth?

Because the light from the sun reflects of the moon so when the moon orbits the sun which means you can only see the part of the moon that has light reflecting off it

Why does the moon apper to change shape as it orbits the earth?

Because of the relative positions of the earth, sun and moon.

Does the Moon's shape change or does how you see it change?

What changes from days to day is the amount of sunlight we see on the moon. As the moon orbits the earth and the earth orbits the sun, the sun hits the moon at a different angle in relation to the earth.

What is the moon and why does it appear to change shape?

The Moon is rocky body in orbit round the Earth. Its appearance changes nightly because as it orbits the Earth the amount of its surface we can see illuminated by the Sun changes because of our angle of view.

What shape does the moon orbits the earth?

The moon orbits the earth almost a complete circle.

Earth orbits in the shape of what around the sun?

An elliptical shape.

What shape are most planets' orbits around the sun in specific the earth?

ALL planetary orbits are ellipses.

How and why the moon change it shapes?

The Moon only seems to "change shape". We only see one side of the Moon from Earth. The variation in the amount of sunlight hitting that side of the Moon, as it orbits Earth, is why we see the apparent changes in shape. These changes are called "lunar phases".

The why does moon appears to change shape as it orbits the sun?

The moon does not orbit the sun directly. The moon orbits the earth which orbits the sun (otherwise our moon would technically be called a dwarf planet).The reason the moon changes appearance when the earth orbits the sun is that a certain times the earth is partially or completely blocking the sunlight and will therefore cast a shadow onto the moon (as viewed from earth).The crescent shadow you see on the moon is actually earth's shadow.

Why does the shape of the moon seem to change?

The moon reflects sunlight and it orbits out planet, Earth, so we see the reflected sunlight at different angles on the moon, causing the appearance of the moon to change.

What does the moon go through as it goe's around the earth?

The sun shines on it at different places making it appear to change shape.

What causes the moon to appear gradually bigger and fuller?

The phase (shape) is due to the position of the sun relative to the Earth and sun. When the Earth is between the sun & the moon, it casts a shadow on the moon's surface - changing the shape of the lighted segment. The difference in size is caused by the path of the moon around the earth. It orbits in an ellipse (egg-shape) - not a circle. This varies the distance from the earth - the closer it is, the larger it appears.