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Q: Why does the filament of a light bulb not burn?
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Why does the filament in a light bulb not burn up immediately?

The 'Filament' of a lightbulb is a peice of metal with an unusually high melting

Why the electric bulb does not works if oxidation takes place inside it?

Because the filament will burn, and the filament is the part that produces the light.

In a bulb noble gas argon is used . why is argon is used instead of air in the light bulb?

It won't burn the filament.

What type of light is a light bulb that uses a filament?

A light bulb that uses a filament is also known as an incandescent light bulb.

How the bulb light?

An electrical current is passed through the high resistance filament in the bulb, causing it to become white hot and so give off light. The inside of the bulb is filled with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, so the filament does not burn up .

How bulb light?

An electrical current is passed through the high resistance filament in the bulb, causing it to become white hot and so give off light. The inside of the bulb is filled with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, so the filament does not burn up .

Why do they use argon gas in a light bulb?

It is used to replace oxygen so that the hot filament does not get oxidised or burn.

What is the wire that gives off light in a light bulb?

In an incandescent light bulb the wire that gives off the light is called the Filament.

What does the filament of a light bulb allows the light bulb to change electrical energy to?

The filament of a light bulb overs enough resistance to current flow, that the filament heats up so much that it will glow and produce visible light.

What is the wire inside a light bulb called?


How does a light bulb light?

light bulbs have metal contacts that connect to an electrical circuit and a filament. power lights up the filament in the bulb .

Why do bulb filament not burn?

The filament does not "burn", it just glows brightly. If some air were present in the bulb - as sometimes happens if a light bulb gets knocked and gets even a tiny crack in its glass bulb - then the oxygen present in ordinary air will quickly make the filament burn away.For more information see the answer to the Related question sghown below.