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Demeter has many representations, but I've never heard of the lion. My best guess is that it's because she can be quite a roaring word that begins with "B" and rhymes with "witch".

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Q: Why does the lion represent Demeter?
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Demeter is represented by the lion.

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Demeter is the goddess of the harvest.

What did Demeter use a lion for?

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The lion is known to represent royalty. There are other symbolic meanings associated with the lion such as courage and strength.

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What songs represent Demeter the Greek goddess of harvest and growth?

i have the same question

Why is Demeter represented by the lion?

Demeter is not represented by lions, if you refer to a painting or sculpture of a Greek goddess, it is most likely to be Hera (Queen of the Olympians) or Rhea (Queen of the Titans).