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because she was the one about the idea to kill him. Also because she encouraged his husband to murder him

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Q: Why does the murder of Banquo most deeply trouble Lady Macbeth?
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What does Macbeth think as he anticipates the murder of

What is Macbeth's suspicion in act 3?

In Act 3 of Macbeth, Macbeth becomes suspicious that Banquo poses a threat to his throne. He worries that Banquo's descendants will inherit the crown, as the witches prophesied. This suspicion leads Macbeth to plot Banquo's murder.

Who shows up at Macbeth's palace and ruins the banquet after Banquo's murder?

Banquo's ghost. But let's be fair; Macbeth told him to "fail not our feast", and Banquo didn't, even though he was dead.

What is Macbeth's plan for killing Banquo and fleance?

Macbeth plans to hire someone to kill banquo

What in both cases summoned the ghost in Macbeth?

In both cases, the ghost that appears in Macbeth is summoned by the guilt and inner turmoil of Macbeth himself. The ghost of Banquo is a manifestation of Macbeth's guilt over his role in Banquo's murder, while the ghost of Lady Macbeth represents his guilt over her death and his descent into madness.

What does this passage reveal about Banquo and his relationship with Macbeth?

This passage reveals that Banquo is wary of Macbeth's quick rise to power and suspects that he may have obtained it through foul means. It also shows that Banquo is loyal to Duncan and values honesty and integrity, suggesting a contrast between him and Macbeth, who is willing to deceive and murder to achieve his ambitions. Overall, the passage highlights the growing tension and mistrust in Banquo's relationship with Macbeth.

When Macbeth is at a banquet celebrating his coronation what does he see at the end of the table?

Macbeth sees the ghost of the recently murdered Banquo.

Why did Macbeth have his old battle companion killed?

The witches had predicted that Banquo's descendants would become kings whereas Macbeth's would not. Macbeth resented that. Also, Banquo was aware of what the witches had said and might suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder. Macbeth says, "My fears in Banquo stick deep."

What does Act III about the murder of Banquo in Macbeth suggest about the effects of evil on evildoers?

The murder of Banquo in Act III of Macbeth suggests that committing evil acts can have severe psychological consequences on the evildoers. Macbeth's guilt and paranoia over Banquo's murder lead to a descent into madness and an inability to find peace. This highlights the destructive nature of evil actions on the individuals who commit them.

Who or what is Macbeth's worst enemy in Act 3?

In Act 3 of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Macbeth's worst enemy is arguably Banquo. Macbeth sees Banquo as a threat to his newly gained power because of the witches' prophecy that Banquo's descendants will inherit the throne. Macbeth becomes obsessed with eliminating this potential threat, leading to Banquo's murder.

What did Macbeth want the two munderers to do?

Murder someone. Specifically. Banquo and Fleance.

Why doesn't Macbeth kill banquo himself?

Macbeth does not kill Banquo himself possibly because Banquo was his best friend and he could not bear to do it. Furthermore, in not committing the murder itself, he avoids being suspected of the crime.