

Why does the narwhal bacon at midnight?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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11y ago

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The bacon cooks just right at midnight, Any other hour will leave it soggy. No one would like that! not even a a narwhal... DON'T ANGER THE MIGHTY NARWHAL

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11y ago
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Q: Why does the narwhal bacon at midnight?
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I dont know... But what I do know is : When does THE narwhal bacon? - The narwhal bacons at midnight.

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The narwhal bacons at midnight.

When does narwhal bacon?

"When does the Narwhal Bacon?" is something Redditors say to friends or strangers in some cases to identify themselves among others. "At Midnight!" would be the response any other Redditor would give. Non-redditors are obviously confused and usually a little bit freaked out. The origin of the question 'When does the Narwhal Bacon?' is unknown, but has established itself very well among the Reddit community. Hope this helps! Source: Reddit, my brain

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