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he is probably trying to attract her for mating reasons.

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Q: Why does the older male cockatiel dance back and forth and bite his cage when looking at the female?
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How would you know if a cockatiel is a male or female?

It's very difficult to visually determine the sex of a cockatiel, although experienced bird owners can usually tell. It's very easy to determine by studying the behavior of the bird. When a female wants to mate, she will lower her head and swish her tail back and forth. A male will actually masturbate - on your hand, on a corner of a toy in his cage, or even on the corner of his food bowl. When he is done, he may sing very loudly at the top of his lungs for a few minutes. He will also ejaculate. Males are also more vocal than females, they sing more, and many of them can talk a little. My male cockatiel, Sam, has a vocabulary of about 20 words at times.

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What is the history of Philippine binadyong dance?

The Binadyong is a lively dance that dates back to olden tribes who incorporated the dance into ceremonies that included prayers and rituals. The dancer sways back and forth in imitation of a person who is intoxicated.

What does it mean when a cockatiel rocks back and forth?

Usually they will be hissing, too. It means stay away. It's usually because you seem very very dangerous and threatening to the bird, or maybe it's something you've changed in your appearance. Painted nails or flashy clothes may be the problem. Or if the cockatiel has laid eggs and is next to them, it's just being protective of its offspring.

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Chances are he likes the feeling as well as looking at how pretty you are and so forth.

What is the history of binadyong Philippine folk dance?

The Binadyong is a lively dance that dates back to olden tribes who incorporated the dance into ceremonies that included prayers and rituals. The dancer sways back and forth in imitation of a person who is intoxicated.

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A female who goes back and forth between dressing like a guy and dressing like a girl.

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A female who goes back and forth between dressing like a guy and dressing like a girl.

This guy keeps looking at me and has shown a couple signs that he likes me I asked him to a dance and he still hasn't asked me out Why won't he ask me?

It is time that you knew the awful truth about guys. They are often scared to death at the prospect of calling a girl and asking for a date. You may have to help him out and ask him if he would like to join you in [a Coke, a dance, a museum tour, a walk, a trip to the mall] and so forth. He is most likely terrified of you rejecting him if he asks you out.