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Q: Why does the penguin needs its back to face the sun?
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in back of you

Can we find a rainbow whenever we face the sun?

You never see a rainbow when you face the sun. It's always with the sun at your back, and low in a clear sky, while in front of you is air with water in it.

What did johny depp's father keep saying to his character that started with the wind on my back and the sun on my face?

May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

'the sun in your face' or 'sun on your face'?

It is 'sun on your face' in all its boring and humble formalities.

Why do penguins stands with its back facing the sun?

Normally penguins have black colour skin at their back. In science black asorbs light very well. So penguins face their back to the sun which is black colour. As a result it asorbs light from the sun and keeps it warm.

Why is orientation needed in the focusing type solar collectors?

To focus the radiation onto the target, the best result is when the lens is at 90° to the sun. To do this the collector needs to tilt and swivel to face the sun.

In the movie blow what is the poem referred to by Johnny Depp which starts with the sun on your back?

May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars

What does a sun burned penguin do?

He puts on Aloe..

Why does the sun have a face?

In cartoons the sun is sometimes drawn with a smiley face on it; but in reality there is no human-like face, or any other sort of face on the sun. The term "the face" of the sun just means that particular side of the sun that we can see from our current position on the earth; the side facing us.

What is the period of rotation for earth?

To turn 360 degrees = 23.9345 hours But because its orbiting the sun at the same time it needs to turn a bit more to face the sun again = 24 hours

Does the front or back of the earth face the sun at any time?

There is no front or back side of a sphere, only a relative near or far side. Roughly half of the earth faces the sun at all times, which is when we have daytime.

Why is it not correct to say that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west?

While the Sun appears to rise up from the horizon in the east and go back down below the horizon in the west, it is not actually moving around the Earth. We see the Sun "rise" or "set" because the Earth rotates so that the part we are on turns to face the Sun or face away from the Sun.