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Just a guess here, but for the same reason bananas are different sizes? They can't be EXACTLY equal, right?

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Q: Why does the percent of sodium bicarbonate vary in the different alka seltzer tablets?
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What are alka seltzer tablets made ou of?

They are made out of citric acid, aspirin, and sodium bicarbonate. They have a Ph of about 4, so it is acidic.

Why does alka-seltzer help an upset stomach feel better?

Alka-Seltzer includes aspirin and sodium bicarbonate in its ingredients. A stomach feels upset due to acid. Alka-Seltzer works as a base to neutralize the acid.

Were we will get seltzer tablets in india?


What liquids dont dissolve alka seltzer tablets?

Any kind of oil wont dissolve alka seltzer tablets

What are the active ingredients in seltzer water?

Aspirin and sodium bicarbonate are the ingredients in Alka Seltzer. Two tablets are the equivalent of two regular aspirin and baking soda, which is an acid reducer in itself. But the sodium bicarbonate in alka seltzer is heat treated.

What effect do you think the seltzer tablets will have on the air temperature?

I believe the temperature will increase because the seltzer tablets bubbles so I heats up the water.

What are seltzer tablets used for?

Colds and upset tummies

What is the generic name for alka seltzer?

effervescent tablets

Who sells sodium bicarbonate tablets?

Sodium bicarbonate tablets are sold over the counter in pharmacies under various brand names such as Alka-Seltzer and baking soda tablets. They can also be found in some health food stores or online retailers.

Does sodium bicarbonate has a tablet?

Yes. It's called sodium bicarbonate tablets.

Why do akla seltzer tablets dissolve faster in hot water?

Because in hot water the molecules are moving MUCH faster and can bond to the molecules in the alka seltzer tablets faster.

What are Alka-Seltzer tablets made out of?

Alka-Seltzers are a combination of sodium bicarbonate, aspirin, and anhydrous citric acid.