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Prince Escalus banishes Romeo for fighting Tybalt after he says there shall be no more fighting.

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The prince banishes Romeo instead of sentencing him to death because he believes that Romeo acted out of passion and not malice. He also takes into consideration Romeo's previous good behavior and believes that the punishment of banishment will be enough to teach him a lesson without resulting in unnecessary bloodshed.

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Q: Why does the prince banish romeo instead of sentencing him to death?
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Why does the prince banish the surviving killer instead of sentencing him to death for Tybalt?

The prince decides to banish the surviving killer, Romeo, because he considers the circumstances of Tybalt's death and believes that Romeo acted out of love and self-defense rather than malice. Additionally, Romeo is related to the prince's own cousin, Mercutio, who was killed by Tybalt, so the prince may show leniency due to the intertwined relationships and complexities of the situation.

Why does Prince Escalus banish from Verona?

The Prince banished Romeo because he has killed Juliet's cousin and they don't want to sentence him to death. So they sent him to exile, out of Verona away from his family and friends.

Why does Prince Escalus banish Romeo from Verona?

The Prince banished Romeo because he has killed Juliet's cousin and they don't want to sentence him to death. So they sent him to exile, out of Verona away from his family and friends.

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Who decides romeo punishment?

In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," it is Prince Escalus of Verona who ultimately decides Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona as a result of his actions.

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Romeo was exiled because he killed tybalt. He was ordered by the king (Escalus, Prince of Verona) to be sent to Mantua because the king feels as if Romeos killing was unlawful.For the murder of Juliet's cousin Tybalt in the conflict between the Montagues and the Capulets.

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Who takes Queen Elizabeth place when she dies?

At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.At the death or retirement of Queen Elizabeth, her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales will become king.

What does Romeo do to Tybalt?

In Romeo and Juliet, the prince banishes Romeo from Verona to the neighboring land of Mantua. The prince banishes Romeo because he kills Tybalt (Juliet's cousin) out of his rage for Tybalt killing his friend Mercutio in a brawl. Romeo is not sentenced to death by the prince, because he killed Tybalt only to avenge his friend's death. Also, the prince only exiles Romeo, so that there is a fair sentence that can appease both the Capulets and Montagues.

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