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It means that the light from galaxies is losing energy. The only reasonable explanation for this is the cosmoligical redshift - that is, that the Universe is expanding.

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Q: Why does the red shift of galaxies provide evidence that the universe is expanding?
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How does expanding universe provide evidence for big bang theory?

It is not so much that the universe is expanding, but rather the rationalization for its expansion that provides evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang supports interpreted observational evidence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) barrier that there is an evolutionary expansion of the universe which promotes a finite age for the universe.

What did the discovery of background radiation distributed evenly throughout the universe provide support for?

either starlight spectra or moving galaxies.

What determines whether the universe will expand forever or recollapse?

The universe is expanding, and it was recently discovered that the universe is expanding much faster than was originally thought. Also, objects within the universe are constantly changing, such as the birth and death of stars, expanding and/or contraction of gas clouds, and objects in motion (the spinning of galaxies and solar systems, rogue stars or planets) are constantly changing.

Why the universe keep on shrinking?

In the beginning there was nothing then the big bang happened. The universe expanded at an incredible rate before beginning to cool down. Then matter formed. Eventually the expansion will stop and the combined gravity of the universe will draw the universe back to nothing causing it to "shrink". Although this is one theory there is another that says the universe will never stop expanding due to a substance called dark matter (the opposite of gravity) pushing it ever outwards.

Advantages of scientific research?

Scientific research provide factual evidence to questions that scientists have. The research can lead us closer to mysteries about the world and galaxies.

What fact provides evidence for the big bang theory?

The facts that provide evidence that the space within our Universe was almost infinitely dense about 13.7 billion years ago, and has been expanding at a (pretty much) steady rate ever since, are overwhelmingly persuasive. 1) The distance between us and all distant galaxies is increasing, and the rate at which that distance is increasing is directly proportional to the distance to those distant galaxies. 2) The existence, spectrum, and isotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. 3) The ratio of hydrogen to helium in all parts of our Universe. 4) Quasars are seen far from us, but not close to us. 5) The ratio of long-lived isotopes to their decay products. 6) The absence of white dwarf stars older than about ten billion years. These facts make Big Bang Cosmology as solid an idea as a heliocentric solar system.

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Can a deed be contested on the grounds of undue influence in Mississippi?

Yes but you need to provide compelling evidence to the court. The judge will review the evidence and issue a ruling.Yes but you need to provide compelling evidence to the court. The judge will review the evidence and issue a ruling.Yes but you need to provide compelling evidence to the court. The judge will review the evidence and issue a ruling.Yes but you need to provide compelling evidence to the court. The judge will review the evidence and issue a ruling.

How is the galaxy solar system and universe related?

Due to the interactions of two effects, gravity and angular momentum, lighter bodies orbit around heavier ones. In the case of a solar system, planets (and other stuff) orbit around a star; in the case of galaxies, it's the stars that orbit around a central core, or nucleus. The Earth orbits the Sun in a year; the Sun orbit the galactic core in about 260 million years. Galaxies do not appear to orbit anything else, because the Universe doesn't seem to have enough "stuff" to provide that "heavier body." Although there is something called the Great Attractor which seems to affect the trajectories of the galaxies, on the whole, they're just spreading out as the UNiverse expands.

Is the universe is expanding because of gravity?

In a closed universe, the expansion will eventually halt and contraction due to the pull of gravity. Check out the 'Electric Universe Model'. It should provide more detailed explanations. Beware! It's a deep subject and one can get lost/confused. Take it slow to groc in fullness. (BTW The Closed Universe Model mostly proven false or highly unlikely.) It is understandable that you are having trouble understanding the closed universe theory since as has already been previously mentioned it is most likely not true. What I think most people struggle to grasp is why the universe can at present be expanding but then this sudden change occur where this expansion is not only halted but reversed. This kind of question rivals questions like why did the Big Bang happen. The truth is we don't really know why this might happen, but it was established as a possible answer since if it were true, we could then explain the Big Bang. It was a solution designed to dodge a question. See link for further information

What can evidence provide?

Evidence can prove, or disprove, the case against you.

Which of the models predict that galaxies should be getting farther apart now?

The Model. Provide, you did not.