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because you touch yourself at night.

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Q: Why does the retina need to be smooth when dissecting a sheeps eye?
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If Jane is myopic. Will she need concave or convex lenses explain?

Concave. With myopia, the focal point of the eye is in front of the retina. Concave lenses increase the distance of the focal point so that it lies on the surface of the retina.

How do concave lenses and convex lenses help improve vision?

If you are farsighted, meaning that you can see far but you can't see objects close up, that means your eye is too short in terms of the distance of your retina to your lens. The image focuses behind the retina, so it becomes blurry. When you add a convex lens, it will help bend the light more and converge the light rays onto the retina, so you will see the image clearly. If you are nearsighted, your retina is farther away from your lens, so the image is focusing in front of your retina, so you can't see distant objects. That's when you need a concave lens. Concave lens will diverge the light rays onto the retina.

How do you cure Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum in ovary?

The smooth endoplasmatic reticulum is a part of cells, not a disease. The cells of your ovary all have one, and they need it to function.

What plants with smooth and soft roots?

roses are red violets are blue u need to be cool

What is theophylline?

Theophylline relaxes smooth muscles which has been beneficial to those with asthma and is the reason why after drinking caffeine the person often feels the need to use the bathroom as it is affecting the smooth muscle of the colon. --

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What are facts about a sheeps heart?

this isnt an answer but i need soeone to answer it

What is a dissecting pins is used for?

A dissecting pin is used when you need to hold a cut specimen in place. for example if you cut open a frog and need to keep the flaps in place - you put these pins through the frog's flaps and pin them to the dissecting pan that should be under.

Why do you think the heart has this pericardium surrounding it?

I need help with my dissecting project

Why is the retina dependent on glucose?

The cells of the retina need glucose to get energy through a process called cellular respiration. Without glucose to the cells of the retina you can't see and the cells of the retina can't function.

What do sheeps need to survive?

They need a sheep dog, food, health care, water, and a clean enviroment.

Do mac Book pro with retina display have DVD-ROM?

No, the Retina display model does not have a DVD-ROM drive. You can buy an external drive if need be.

What are the materials needed for dissecting?

There are certain safety ethics and compliance solutions that an individual actually needs when dissecting a certain body or something else. It depends on what you are going to dissect, for example, a frog as well as give valid reason why you need to dissect it.

What tools do you need to dissect a frog?

You will need: plastic apron, latex gloves, goggles, dissecting tray, paper towels, scalpel, dissecting scissors, dissection probe, forceps, dissecting pins, and a plastic bag to place the remains in before discarding in the trash. You might go on-line and find a set of directions also.

What happens if the light is focused behind or in front of the retina?

You will need glasses. If its focused in front of your retina then you're near-sighted (can't see close up). If its focused behind your retina then you're far-sighted (can't see far away)

Is Joel osteen a wolf in sheeps clothing?

He's getting very rich through his television 'ministry'. What more do you need to know?

Is a panda's skin smooth. I am doing a project for school and I need to know if a panda's skin is like smooth or rough.I know the fur is probably smooth. But I need to know what under the fur is like.?

Its kinda feels like rubber or smooth than rough but like a smooth rubber

Why do sheeps have no canines?

Only carnivores (meat eating animals) have canines