

Why does the same bird keep pecking your window?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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15y ago

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That happens to me all the time! I wouldn't worry, it probably means they like your wallpaper or something.

I don't know of any superstitions about this specifically so the 'symbolism' would probably depend on what type of bird it is. Not to worry you but Magpies near windows are supposed to foretell death. I don't think this is helping...

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14y ago
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15y ago

Maybe you have some kinda cleaning stuff that THE BIRD really likes:) Thats what i assumed when the same bird pecked my window its so anyoning!

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14y ago

Are you sure it's the same bird over and over again? Well birds don't know what glass is so they think that it's not there.

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probably because it can't see the window?

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12y ago

because it wants to eat you!

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Q: Why does the same bird keep pecking your window?
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That depends on how hard the bird hits the window. I have seen them get up after a while, but in most cases they are dead.

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It sees its reflection, and may think it is seeing a rival of its own species. Same as when you put a mirror in a bird's cage.

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What does it mean when a Red Bird keeps pecking at your window?

The legend says, if there's a bird hitting your window, it's a sign of death. Do you believe in these silly superstitions? well listen to this. One day, my sister and I were casually just sitting at our computer desk and playing games on the computer.. and suddenly a "red bird" hit the window in our room and fell dramatically, I thought it died.. so I went outside to check, and the bird was no where in sight. My sister and I weren't concerned, because birds hit windows all the time. 5 minutes later the SAME bird hit the exact window. It got a little bit creepy. I thought maybe this time it died. So I went again, and checked. Once again, no where in sight. Anyway, this bird kept hitting the window repeatedly the same window. And strange enough, it only hit the window when someone was in that room. It kept hitting the window for months and months. Finally I was really concerned, because it would hit the window so hard there was blood all over it! My dad could care less when he saw the bird keep hitting the window, nothing really bothered him. So finally I did some research on the Internet and found that if a red bird hits your window it's a sign of death or a spiritual presence is trying to get inside your home. I told my dad very cautiously, and warned him about this legend and he replied with "Don't believe in that crap". But I was extremely scared. But then, one day my dad was in the computer room sitting at the desk, and the bird hit the window again, to him it was nothing new. So he just walked out of the room casually and went downstairs to the basement, and he was standing by the window downstairs and the exact bird, hit the window. So it literally followed him downstairs from outside, when my father was inside.. My dad was actually scared..very scared. Now we were all VERY concerned. Well, the cardinal kept hitting the window in my fathers home. And he just died this year after the weird red bird superstition which according to my father "don't believe in that crap" when it actually seems true. R.i.p Now, superstitions may seem like silly jokes, but you never really know. Till this day, I believe this is true.

Why does a bird keep flying and banging into your window?

Birds such as cardinals (red birds) and robins will dash repeatedly at their reflections in windows. Such actions occur because the individual bird, usually a male, mistakenly perceives another bird in the reflection of the window. It is territorial behavior for the bird to fight off the ‘intruder”. This behavior, if continued over a period of weeks or even an entire season, can be annoying to people, but is usually not fatal to the bird. On the other hand, when a bird strikes a window in free-flight, it does so with such velocity that the results are significantly more serious.

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How to you keep my bird entertained?

well if your at home and you trying to do something but your bird is bothering you i let my bird watch youtube videos of other birds (but same breed)singing if you away from home get your bird a toy that keeps them distracted or another pet bird to talk to The parrot lover