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the energy required to transform a given quantity of a substance from a liquid into a vapor or gas at a given pressure so the enthalpy of them also different. simply can we say heat is released by the substance also differ such as heat capacity of water and HCL. In addition , pressure and volume of them not same at same temperature. thank you

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1mo ago

The standard heat of vaporization values differ between H2O and HCl because of differences in molecular structure and intermolecular forces. H2O has hydrogen bonding, which results in stronger intermolecular forces and a higher heat of vaporization compared to HCl, which has weaker dipole-dipole interactions. Additionally, the molecular weight and specific properties of each compound also contribute to the difference in their heat of vaporization values.

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Choose the accepted standard state values for temperature and pressure?

The accepted standard state values for temperature is 298 K (25°C) and pressure is 1 bar (100 kPa).

Why is experimenral value different from literature value in chimestry?

Experimental values may differ from literature values in chemistry due to errors in measurement techniques, equipment calibration, sample purity, or human error in performing experiments. Additionally, variation in experimental conditions, such as temperature, pressure, or reaction time, can also contribute to discrepancies between experimental and literature values.

How should the values found using the zinc electrode as a standard compare with those based on the standard hydrogen electrode?

When using the zinc electrode as a standard, the values obtained will be relative to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). The potential difference between the two electrodes at a given condition can be used to calculate the standard electrode potential of the zinc electrode. This potential difference is due to the different standard hydrogen electrode potential (0 V) and standard zinc electrode potential (+0.76 V).

Where you could find the standard Rf values for fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids?

You can typically find standard Rf values for fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in scientific literature, such as research papers, textbooks on chromatography, or chemical databases like ChemSpider or PubChem. These values may vary depending on the specific method and conditions used for their determination.

In the ninhydrin test why do absorbance values for glycine and tyrosine differ?

The absorbance values for glycine and tyrosine differ in the ninhydrin test because tyrosine contains an aromatic ring that reacts with ninhydrin to form a colored product, while glycine lacks this structure. The presence of the aromatic ring in tyrosine leads to a more intense color formation, resulting in a higher absorbance value compared to glycine.

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"i search this qestion please help me