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Your intestines and stomach is connected with your testicles and penis so that fluids can be expelled. So, it makes sense that pain would affect the whole system.

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Q: Why does the stomach ache when getting hit in the testicles?
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Why do boys cry when getting hit in the nuts?

Boys cry when getting hit in the testicles because it hurts a lot.

Can getting hit in the testicles cause loss of sight for a few minutes?

It's possible.

What to do if kicked in testicles?

***** CRY ***** When a man's testicles are hit/squeezed, his stomach muscles contract violently. This has several effects: His body is forced to double over His stomach is compressed causing nausea His breathing is interfered with to the extent that he will sometimes lose consiousness from lack of oxygen to the brain After the initial agony, which can last for an hour or more, the pain degenerates into a dull ache similar to bad toothache lasting for hours, or even days! I am soooooooo glad I'm a girl! LOL!

Does getting hit hurt?

it depends on how hard and with what and where you're hit. By hit I'm thinking you mean getting punched. . It actually stings more to get slapped in the face then punched in the face. A punch is more of a dull ache than pain. But getting hit is always a bad idea.

Would your testicles hurt post to getting hit by 2 weeks ago?

Mine do too! I wanna know why :/

Why does it hurt your stomach when you get hit in the crotch?

When a male is hit in the testicles it hurts in the stomach area, because before birth the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity (stomach area), shortly after birth the testicles descend, they bring nerves with them, but simply put, the nerve's cords run back up into the cavity, causing the pain there. As an F.Y.I. the reason, that it is so painful to be hit there, as any guy who has hit there knows is because, the testicles have many many nerves on them, which cause increased pain reception.

Is it serious if your testicles have been hurting after recently getting hit there but it is not extremely bad?

Yes, the testicles are extremely sensitive. If you were accidently hit in your testicles extremely hard (or someone kicked you there) it can cause you to vomite and takes a long while to get rid of the pain. If you are still having problems please see your doctor. Good luck Marcy

Why do you get dizzy when you hit your head?

When you hit your head the molicuals in your brain move around causing the blood to move around creating some brain functions telling you to feel woosy or a stomach ache to protect the cells....

What could make your testicle ache?

Testicle pain can be a symptom of an injury or blow to this area of the body. It also could indicate twisting of the testicles, an infection, swollen veins in the scrotum, or a cyst.

Do testicles swell after getting hit?

When the testicles are hit, they can swell, but first of all it is usually the scrotum, not the testicles themselves. This is usually caused by the bruising of the scrotum, which like other parts of the body can lead to swelling. Time, and icing, can reduce swelling, however, if swelling continues for longer than a day, or there is a puncture, rupture or other sever problem see a doctor immediately.

Do you remove your testes if they quit working?

Yes, as a matter of fact I had mine removed the other day after repeatedly getting hit in the testicles by my father at a young age.

What part of the stomach is more vulnerable when getting hit-the upper abdomen or lower abdomen?

lower abdomen