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I don't Know but the sun rise and the sun set because of God when the sun comes up and down we should wear a sun glass to protect our eyes

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Q: Why does the sun look distorted during sunset?
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Our sun is a black hole. Look at it during sunset. Look at it like a steriogram picture. You will see a black hole that appears. Then look at a picture of the Egyptian sun god RA. There is a sun with a whole in the middle during dusk. Look at the sun don't squint relax it will come with practice. 2 hours before sunset it is completely safe no high radiation uv rays.

When do shadows look very long?

Sun rise and sunset.

Why isn't the sun visable during night time?

Between sunset and sunrise, Earth blocks the view of the sun.

Can planets be seen during a sunset?

- Venus is often bright enough to see during the daytime, but you have to know exactly where to look. - Mercury, Venus, and sometimes Mars, can be seen during twilight at sunrise and sunset, when the sun is below the horizon but much of the sky is blue. - Earth is visible at any time of the day or night.

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You can, but you have to look low in the west right after sunset. Leo sets very soon after the Sun does.

Does the sun shine all the time during winter?

every day, between sunrise and sunset

What will the sunrise and sunset look like as a red giant?

You'll see the sun 200x bigger than today, and the sky will be black (either in sunrise or in sunset) because the heat of the sun will evaporate all of our atmosphere.

Why when there is a sunset can you look directly at the sun but cant when it is in the sky?

For the same reason the sunset is a different colour. You are looking at it through a higher density of particles in the atmosphere. So there is more atmosphere to protect your eyes from the bright light of the sun

What is the difference between dawn and sunset?

Dawn is when the sun is coming up, sunset is when the sun is going down

Why does the sun become bold and red during sunset?

Bigger due to refraction and reddish due to Rayleigh scattering.

Can sun light reflect from a satellite?

Yes. You can easily see satellites, after sunset. They look like moving stars.

Is it medically safe to look at the sun?

No, looking directly at the sun is not safe. It is something that anyone who gives it any thought will suggest you avoid. The reason you should not look directly at the sun is also as obvious.