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The sun transits the southern sky only during some parts of the year. Other times, it moves across the sky from east to west.

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Q: Why does the sun transit the southern sky?
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At noon is the sun in the north?

Well, if you are in the southern hemisphere the sun will be going across the northern sky and if you are in the northern it will go across the southern. Depending on where you are you will know if the sun is in the north sky.

In the southern Hemisphere does the sun appear lower in the sky in June or in December?

In the Southern Hemisphere, the sun appears lower in the sky in December due to the summer solstice occurring during that month, resulting in longer days and higher temperatures. In June, during the winter solstice, the sun is higher in the sky and the days are shorter and cooler.

Does the location of the sunset point correlate with how high the sun is in the sky at noon?

Yes, to an extent. In the northern hemisphere summer, the Sun rises somewhat north of east, and the Sun will be higher in the sky at noon. (In the southern hemisphere summers, the Sun rises SOUTH of east and is higher at noon.)In the winter, the sun rises south of east (north of east for the southern hemisphere) and is lower in the sky at noon.

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It depends where you are on Earth - in the Northern Hemisphere the sun is in the sky longest in June. In the Southern Hemisphere, it's December.

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During northern hemisphere summer the sun is in the northern sky in the southern hemisphere. Our sun in the northern hemisphere is almost always in the southern sky unless your south of the tropic of cancer so this is why you have to reverse the sundials if you move to the southern hemisphere.

Can you ever see mercury high in the southern sky at midnight?

maby a sun set or not

Which month is the sun the lowest in the sky?

December in the Northern Hemisphere and June in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which day would you expect the sun to be lowest in the sky?

For anyone in the northern hemisphere, the sun is lowest in the sky on December 21.For anyone in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun is lowest in the sky on June 21.For anyone on the Equator, the sun is lowest in the sky on both of those occasions.(Of course, we're talking about its altitude at Noon, not at sunrise and sunset.)

When was Southern California Rapid Transit District created?

Southern California Rapid Transit District was created in 1964.

Why would you never see a rainbow in the southern sky if you were in the northern hemisphere?

You would never see a rainbow in the southern sky while in the northern hemisphere because rainbows are always opposite the sun in the sky. When the sun is in the southern part of the sky, rainbows appear in the northern part, and vice versa. This is due to the way sunlight is refracted and reflected within raindrops to create the rainbow.

Were is the sun at 12pm in the day?

At its highest point in the sky that it will reach at any time in the day. Highest in the southern sky if you're in the northern Hemisphere, and highest in the northern sky if you're in the southern Hemisphere. (Ambiguous in the Tropic zone, depending on the time of year.)

When did Southern California Rapid Transit District end?

California Southern Railroad ended in 1889.