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because they are better

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Q: Why does the tiger white are more beautiful than the orange one?
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What are six words that describe a Tiger?

Strong, ferocious, sly, powerful, mighty, striped (and some more) orange, black, white (lol) carnivorous, predator, beautiful, pacing anxious, majestic!

What colors are tigers?

Tigers are born in a color range from Black with orange stripes, to Snow White with faint golden stripes. The most common colors of tigers these days are red-orange with black stripes, and the rarest color is the Snow white tiger with golden stripes. Less common colors are: -- Golden Tabby Tiger, an exceedingly faded orange into white and light reddish stripes -- Normal White tiger, with pitch black stripes -- Blue colored or Maltese Tiger -- Black or Melanistic tiger. * The last two colors have not been seen for a century or more, but there are photos on the web.

Which one is stronger white tiger or orange tiger?

The only difference between white and normal tigers is the color of the fur. Any difference will be down to individual reasons, not color.

What is the life cycle of a white tiger?

CUB: At this age a tiger is as helpless as a butterfly TEENAGER: Females will probably starting her first heat cycle ADULT: The female will mate and have cubs and there will be even more beautiful tigers!

Who is stronger a white Siberian tiger or a white Siberian lion?

There is no White Siberian Lion. Lions have never lived in Russia in historical times-outside of zoos. Albino Lions exist, they are beautiful creatures which exude a majestic intelligence- like the statues outside the Libary in NYC. A tiger is more powerful than a lion the tiger would win.

Where do wild white Siberians live?

There are no wild white Siberian tigers. There have never been. The ONLY white tiger ever found in the wild was a Bengal tiger. It never would have survived due to its coloring. It was captured and bred to an orange tiger. Then it was bred to its daughter. The inbreeding caused the double recessive gene to come out. Later, someone decided the white bengal tigers needed to be more impressive. They crossed a white Bengal tiger with a siberian tiger and today the only white tigers are Bengal/Siberian hybrids living in captivity. Sad, huh?

Marked with stripes like a zebra but its name has more in common with a tiger?

its a white tiger

What is the golden tabby tiger?

a subspecies of the Bengal tiger. they are a genetic mutation and at last count there were only 30 tigers left. the golden tabby tiger is more rare than the white tiger. they have orange/golden stripes other than black/chocolate brown stripes.

What do strawberry tigers look like?

Another name for the strawberry tiger is the golden tabby tiger. They are only found in captivity; It is a recessive gene like that of the white tiger, which causes the extremely rare colouration.For more information and a picture of one of these beautiful tigers, see the related link below..

What is more fierce a tiger shark or a great white?

A great white shark is more fierce than a tiger shark. This is based on the recorded number of attacks on humans.

How do Tigers look like?

Tigers are usually quite big, and orange with black stripes. There is this breed of tiger that is white with black stripes.

What are Indochinese tigers?

The coloration of Indochinese tigers is similar to bengals, except with narrower and more numerous stripes.