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If they simply print more money, it will reduce the value of the U.S. dollar. This is called inflation. This inflation would counteract the added value of the newly printed money, so there would be no net gain.

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Q: Why does the us say that they are in debt even if they can print money?
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If the US is so much in debt why can't we print more money and pay it off?

This would cause inflation the more money we put into circulation to cover debt the more inflated money would become. Inflation is where the value of our currency decreases more and more. For example, when people say "back in my day you could get a hot dog and coke for 5 cents" they aren't lying that's just what the value was back then, inflation causes the increase in cost.This was done in Germany after WWI were the Germans printed moneys to pay for the reparations debt with out the GDP to back there moneys ... Which lead to a depression and the rise of Hitler ...

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You can say the word "in debt" using the word "red" by pronouncing it as "indebted" or "red in debt."

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just listen to yourself! he's a player. unless he can get his life in order then i say kick em' to the curb and find a new man you can supply for you and your children!

What is the debt and debt services?

Debt is very easy to acquire, but is even harder to get rid of. When we meet undesired expenses, we look for a way to get some money to cover them, and often decide that the best solution is to take some more money off the credit card. Actually, financial experts say that credit cards are one of the greatest dangers for personal and family budgets, and this is quite true. First it seems that there is nothing bad about taking some cash off, but as the debt grows, it becomes a financial black hole. Thousands of people every day search for the ways to reduce credit card debt, and though there are many debt relief programs offered, this is really a tough choice.

Why people say that money is borrowed into existence?

The requirement for governments to borrow from the private banking sector to finance public expenditure forms the National Debt

Is it illegal to print if it says Copyright?

you can print it but not retype it and say its yours.

How do you say in spanish do not print?

You could say "No imprima".

Does money really make the world go round?

it does! (so they say) who knows? but with ever growing costs and rising debt, perhaps in a few years, it maybe will!