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The volume of water in a titration does not matter because it does not participate in the chemical reaction taking place. The key factor in a titration is the concentration and volume of the analyte and titrant being used. The volume of water is often used to dilute the solutions to a manageable volume for titration.

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Q: Why does the volume of water in a titration not matter?
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Why does it not matter how much water you add when dissolving the acid or when carrying the titration?

It does not matter how much water you add when dissolving an acid or carrying out a titration because the amount of acid remains constant. The concentration of the acid solution will be the same regardless of the volume of water added, as long as the amount of acid is constant. This is due to the principles of dilution and the conservation of mass in chemical reactions.

Why does adding distilled water in the conical flask during titration not affect the titration result?

Adding distilled water in the conical flask during titration does not affect the titration result because the volume of the solution in the conical flask affects the concentration of the titrant solution. As long as the same volume of titrant is delivered from the burette and reacts with the analyte, the concentration of the titrant and the volume of the analyte solution will remain the same, ensuring accurate results.

Why is Volume of HCl used for blank titration is more than volume of HCl used for oil titration?

The blank titration is used to determine the exact amount of acid needed to neutralize any impurities in the titration setup, such as the indicator and solvent. This additional volume of acid is accounted for in the blank titration and is subtracted from the volume of acid used in the titration with the oil sample.

Why does it not matter how much water you add when dissolving the acid (KHP) or when carrying out the titration?

The amount of water added during the dissolution of KHP or titration does not affect the final molarity because it only impacts the volume of the solution, not the amount of acid originally present. The concentration of the KHP solution is determined solely by the amount of the solute (KHP) dissolved, regardless of the total solution volume.

Why does it not matter if conical flask you wet with water during titration?

Wetting the conical flask with water during titration helps to ensure thorough mixing and prevents solution splashing or clumping on the sides of the flask. This can help in obtaining accurate and consistent titration results.

Related questions

Why does it not matter how much water you add when dissolving the acid or when carrying the titration?

It does not matter how much water you add when dissolving an acid or carrying out a titration because the amount of acid remains constant. The concentration of the acid solution will be the same regardless of the volume of water added, as long as the amount of acid is constant. This is due to the principles of dilution and the conservation of mass in chemical reactions.

Why does adding distilled water in the conical flask during titration not affect the titration result?

Adding distilled water in the conical flask during titration does not affect the titration result because the volume of the solution in the conical flask affects the concentration of the titrant solution. As long as the same volume of titrant is delivered from the burette and reacts with the analyte, the concentration of the titrant and the volume of the analyte solution will remain the same, ensuring accurate results.

Why does it not matter how much water you add when dissolving the acid (KHP) or when carrying out the titration?

The amount of water added during the dissolution of KHP or titration does not affect the final molarity because it only impacts the volume of the solution, not the amount of acid originally present. The concentration of the KHP solution is determined solely by the amount of the solute (KHP) dissolved, regardless of the total solution volume.

Why is Volume of HCl used for blank titration is more than volume of HCl used for oil titration?

The blank titration is used to determine the exact amount of acid needed to neutralize any impurities in the titration setup, such as the indicator and solvent. This additional volume of acid is accounted for in the blank titration and is subtracted from the volume of acid used in the titration with the oil sample.

Why does it not matter if conical flask you wet with water during titration?

Wetting the conical flask with water during titration helps to ensure thorough mixing and prevents solution splashing or clumping on the sides of the flask. This can help in obtaining accurate and consistent titration results.

Why do we carryout blank titration in argentometric titration?

Blank titration is carried out in argentometric titration to account for any impurities or contaminants present in the reagents used. By measuring the volume of titrant required to reach the endpoint in the blank titration, this value can be subtracted from the volume used in the actual titration to determine the accurate amount of titrant required to react with the analyte.

What is titration factor?

The titration factor is a numerical value that represents the relationship between the volume of titrant required to reach the endpoint of a titration and the concentration of the substance being titrated. It is used to calculate the concentration of the analyte in a solution based on the volume of titrant added during the titration process.

Which quantity is directly measured in a titration?

The volume of titrant required to reach the equivalence point is directly measured in a titration. This volume corresponds to the amount of titrant needed to completely react with the analyte in the sample.

When water turns to ice it also?

Increases in volume. Water is the only matter that increases in volume when it coagulates.

Why is water an example of matter?

Water is an example of matter because matter is anything that has mass and takes up space, characteristics that water possesses. In other words, water is made up of molecules that have weight and fill a given volume, meeting the criteria to be classified as matter.

Why titration with standard hard water is carried out?

Titration with standard hard water is carried out to determine the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in water samples. By titrating a known volume of hard water with a standardized solution of EDTA, the amount of calcium and magnesium ions present can be quantified based on the volume of EDTA solution needed to reach the endpoint. This helps in assessing the water hardness and determining the appropriate treatment methods for water softening.

What is the scout titration?

The scout titration is a preliminary titration carried out to estimate the approximate endpoint in a titration experiment before performing the actual titration. It helps in determining the approximate volume of titrant required for the main titration to avoid overshooting the endpoint.