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Q: Why does the water turn into snowflakes?
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Do snowflakes have feelings?

No, snowflakes are frozen water. Water is an inanimate thing.

Are snowflakes made of oxygen?

No, snowflakes are water that has frozen in a certain way that forms snowflakes. But they have oxygen in them.

How do snowflakes eat?

snowflakes dont eat... they are frozen water molecules

What are snowflakes?

snowflakes are small dots of snow and snow is very cold water

Do snowflakes dance?

If you asked that you must be stupid. snowflakes are just frozen water. so ask your self if water can dance.............................................................................................. That answer is no!

Are snowflakes real?

Snowflakes are ice particles formed from water droplets high in the atmosphere. All snow falls as snowflakes. Snowflakes are the winter version of rain drops. They are quite real.

Why there is snowflakes in winter?

In winter, water freezes and become a solid, like snowflakes,sleet or hail.

Why are snowflakes?

Because when water precipitates out of solution in sub zero temperatures, ice crystals are formed and these are the snowflakes.

Why are there snowflakes?

Because when water precipitates out of solution in sub zero temperatures, ice crystals are formed and these are the snowflakes.

Why are all snowflakes hexagrams?

Though snowflakes vary greatly in appearance they all have six-sides due to the chemical makeup of the water they are formed from.

What object can change from a gas to a solid?

Example: Ice, Water, Water Vapor

Are snowflakes edible?

Yes. Eat them, they melt in your mouth. They're water.