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it was originally ten. they are named for roman gods, emperors and numbers.

January - januus - god of the doorway





June - juno

July - Julius Caesar, emperor

august - Caesar Augustus, emperor

September - originally the seventh month (septem = seven in latin)

october - originally 8th - octo = eight in latin

November - originally 9th = novem in latin

December - originally 10th = decem in latin

the emperors had months created for them in their honour.

the months are also designed to be approximately one lunar cycle, hence the word month, which is from old English "monath", meaning "the condition of the moon", like "health" is the condition of being healed. the lunar cycle is actually 28 days and the months in most older calendars are based on that.

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2d ago

The concept of twelve months in a year can be traced back to ancient societies, particularly the Babylonians and Egyptians, who based their calendars on the cycles of the moon. A lunar-based calendar roughly equates to 12 lunar cycles (or months) in a year. This system was later adopted and modified by the Romans to create the calendar we use today.

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